
Computer vision for assessing species color pattern variation from web-based community science images

Abstract: Openly available community science digital vouchers provide a wealth of data to study phenotypic change across space and time. However, extracting phenotypic data from these resources requires significant human effort. Here, we demonstrate a workflow and computer vision model… Read More

PRMI: A Dataset of Minirhizotron Images for Diverse Plant Root Study

Abstract: Understanding a plant’s root system architecture (RSA) is crucial for a variety of plant science problem domains including sustainability and climate adaptation. Minirhizotron (MR) technology is a widely-used approach for phenotyping RSA non-destructively by capturing root imagery over time.… Read More

Image-to-Height Domain Translation for Synthetic Aperture Sonar

Abstract: Synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) intensity statistics are dependent upon the sensing geometry at the time of capture. Estimating bathymetry from acoustic surveys is challenging. While several methods have been proposed to estimate seabed relief via intensity, we develop the… Read More

Spatial and Texture Analysis of Root System Architecture with Earth Mover’s Distance (STARSEED)

Abstract: Purpose: Root system architectures are complex, multidimensional, and challenging to characterize effectively for agronomic and ecological discovery. Methods: We propose a new method, Spatial and Texture Analysis of Root System architecture with Earth mover’s Distance (STARSEED), for comparing root… Read More

Data Science Competition For Cross-Site Delineation And Classification Of Individual Trees From Airborne Remote Sensing Data

Abstract: Delineating and classifying individual trees in remote sensing data is challenging. Many tree crown delineation methods have difficulty in closed-canopy forests and do not leverage multiple datasets. Methods to classify individual species are often accurate for common species, but… Read More

Predictive Models To Identify Holstein Cows At Risk Of Metritis And Clinical Cure And Reproductive/Productive Failure Following Antimicrobial Treatment

Abstract: Precision dairy farming, specifically the design of management strategies according to the animal’s needs, may soon become the norm since automated technologies that generate large amounts of data for each individual are becoming more affordable. Our objectives were to… Read More