Abstract: Many contemporary biomedical applications such as physiological monitoring, imaging, and sequencing produce large amounts of data that require new data processing and visualization algorithms. Algorithms such as principal component analysis (PCA), singular value decomposition and random projections (RP) have… Read More
Estimating Target Signatures with Diverse Density
Abstract: Hyperspectral target detection algorithms rely on knowing the desired target signature in advance. However, obtaining an effective target signature can be difficult; signatures obtained from laboratory measurements or hand-spectrometers in the field may not transfer to airborne imagery effectively.… Read More
Possibilistic context identification for SAS imagery
Abstract: This paper proposes a possibilistic context identification approach for synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) imagery. SAS seabed imagery can display a variety of textures that can be used to identify seabed types such as sea grass, sand ripple and hard-packed… Read More
Anomaly detection of subsurface objects using handheld ground-penetrating radar
Abstract: This paper develops an anomaly detection algorithm for subsurface object detection using the handheld ground penetrating radar. The algorithm is based on the Mahalanobis distance measure with adaptive update of the background statistics. It processes the data sequentially for… Read More
Functions of multiple instances for sub-pixel target characterization in hyperspectral imagery
Abstract: In this paper, the Multi-target Extended Function of Multiple Instances (Multi-target eFUMI) method is developed and described. The method is capable of learning multiple target spectral signatures from weakly- and inaccurately-labeled hyperspectral imagery. Multi-target eFUMI is a generalization of… Read More
Multiple instance dictionary learning for subsurface object detection using handheld EMI
Abstract: A dictionary learning approach for subsurface object detection using handheld electromagnetic induction (EMI) data is presented. A large number of unsupervised and supervised dictionary learning methods have been developed in the literature. However, the majority of these methods require… Read More
Endmember representation of human geography layers
Abstract: This paper presents an endmember estimation and representation approach for human geography data cubes. Human-related factors that can be mapped for a geographic region include factors relating to population, age, religion, education, medical access and others. Given these hundreds… Read More
A human geospatial predictive analytics framework with application to finding medically underserved areas
Abstract: Human geography is a concept used to indicate the augmentation of standard geographic layers of information about an area with behavioral variations of the people in the area. In particular, the actions of people can be attributed to both… Read More
Invariant parameter estimation across varying seabeds in synthetic aperture sonar imagery
Abstract: Side-look synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) can produce very high quality images of the seabed. The imagery generated by SAS sensors display the seafloor and associated textures, such as sand ripples or seagrass. The characterization of SAS imagery is important… Read More
Boundary detection and Superpixel formation in synthetic aperture sonar imagery
Abstract: A boundary detection algorithm for synthetic aper- ture sonar (SAS) images that draws upon a popular superpixel formation algorithm is detailed and tested against a set of SAS images containing a variety of common seabed categories. Textural clues are… Read More