Abstract: Many superpixel segmentation algorithms which are suitable for the regular color images like images with three channels: red, green and blue (RGB images) have been developed in the literature. However, because of the high dimensionality of hyperspectral imagery, these… Read More
Semi-supervised Interactive Unmixing for Hyperspectral Image Analysis
Abstract: In the past several decades, hyperspectral imaging has drawn a lot of attention in the eld of remote sensing. Yet, due to low spatial resolutions of hyperspectral imagers, often the response from more than one surface material can be… Read More
Random Projection below the JL Limit
Abstract: The Johnson-Lindenstrauss (JL) lemma, with known probability, sets a lower bound q0 on the dimension for which a random projection of p-dimensional vector data is guaranteed to be within (1±ε) of being an isometry in a randomly projected downspace.… Read More
Hyperspectral Unmixing with Endmember Variability Using Partial Membership Latent Dirichlet Allocation
Abstract: The application of Partial Membership Latent Dirichlet Allocation (PM-LDA) for hyperspectral endmember estimation and spectral unmixing is presented. PM-LDA provides a model for a hyperspectral image analysis that accounts for spectral variability and incorporates spatial information through the use… Read More
Discriminative Multiple Instance Hyperspectral Target Characterization

Abstract: In this paper, two methods for multiple instance target characterization, MI-SMF and MI-ACE, are presented. MI-SMF and MI-ACE estimate a discriminative target signature from imprecisely-labeled and mixed training data. In many applications, such as sub-pixel target detection in remotely-sensed… Read More
Partial Membership Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Image Segmentation

Abstract: Topic models (e.g., pLSA, LDA, SLDA) have been widely used for segmenting imagery. These models are confined to crisp segmentation. Yet, there are many images in which some regions cannot be assigned a crisp label (e.g., transition regions between… Read More
Multiple Instance Dictionary Learning using Functions of Multiple Instances
Abstract: A multiple instance dictionary learning method using functions of multiple instances (DL-FUMI) is proposed to address target detection and two-class classification problems with inaccurate training labels. Given inaccurate training labels, DL-FUMI learns a set of target dictionary atoms that… Read More
Hyperspectral Unmixing With Endmember Variability via Alternating Angle Minimization
Abstract: In hyperspectral unmixing applications, one typically assumes that a single spectrum exists for every endmember. In many scenarios, this is not the case, and one requires a set or a distribution of spectra to represent an endmember or class.… Read More
Heart Beat Characterization from Ballistocardiogram Signals using Extended Functions of Multiple Instances
Abstract: A multiple instance learning (MIL) method, extended Function of Multiple Instances (eFUMI), is applied to ballistocardiogram (BCG) signals produced by a hydraulic bed sensor. The goal of this approach is to learn a personalized heartbeat ”concept” for an individual.… Read More
Multiple Instance Choquet Integral for Classifier Fusion
Abstract: The Multiple Instance Choquet integral (MICI) for classifier fusion and an evolutionary algorithm for parameter estimation is presented. The Choquet integral has a long history of providing an effective framework for non-linear fusion. Previous methods to learn an appropriate… Read More