Abstract: Tree species classification using hyperspectral imagery is a challenging task due to the high spectral similarity between species and large intra-species variability. This paper proposes a solution using the Multiple Instance Adaptive Cosine Estimator (MI-ACE) algorithm. MI-ACE estimates a… Read More
Journal PapersJournal Papers
A fully learnable context-driven object-based model for mapping land cover using multi-view data from unmanned aircraft systems
Abstract: Context information is rarely used in the object-based landcover classification. Previous models that attempted to utilize this information usually required the user to input empirical values for critical model parameters, leading to less optimal performance. Multi-view image information is… Read More
A novel multi-perspective imaging platform (M-PIP) for phenotyping soybean root crowns in the field increases throughput and separation ability of genotype root properties
Abstract: Background: Root crown phenotyping has linked root properties to shoot mass, nutrient uptake, and yield in the field, which increases the understanding of soil resource acquisition and presents opportunities for breeding. The original methods using manual measurements have been… Read More
Multi-Resolution Multi-Modal Sensor Fusion For Remote Sensing Data With Label Uncertainty
Abstract: In remote sensing, each sensor can provide complementary or reinforcing information. It is valuable to fuse outputs from multiple sensors to boost overall performance. Previous supervised fusion methods often require accurate labels for each pixel in the training data.… Read More
Multiple Instance Choquet Integral Classifier Fusion and Regression for Remote Sensing Applications
Abstract: In classifier (or regression) fusion the aim is to combine the outputs of several algorithms to boost overall performance. Standard supervised fusion algorithms often require accurate and precise training labels. However, accurate labels may be difficult to obtain in… Read More
Multiple Instance Hybrid Estimator for Hyperspectral Target Characterization and Sub-pixel Target Detection
Abstract: The Multiple Instance Hybrid Estimator for discriminative target characterization from imprecisely labeled hyperspectral data is presented. In many hyperspectral target detection problems, acquiring accurately labeled training data is difficult. Furthermore, each pixel containing target is likely to be a… Read More
Multiple Instance Dictionary Learning for Beat-to-Beat Heart Rate Monitoring from Ballistocardiograms

Abstract: A multiple instance dictionary learning approach, Dictionary Learning using Functions of Multiple Instances (DLFUMI), is used to perform beat-to-beat heart rate estimation and to characterize heartbeat signatures from ballistocardiogram (BCG) signals collected with a hydraulic bed sensor. DL-FUMI estimates… Read More
Measures of the Shapley index for learning lower complexity fuzzy integrals
Abstract: The fuzzy integral (FI) is used frequently as a parametric nonlinear aggregation operator for data or information fusion. To date, numerous data-driven algorithms have been put forth to learn the FI for tasks like signal and image processing, multi-criteria… Read More
Partial Membership Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Soft Image Segmentation

Abstract: Topic models (e.g., pLSA, LDA, sLDA) have been widely used for segmenting imagery. However, these models are confined to crisp segmentation, forcing a visual word (i.e., an image patch) to belong to one and only one topic. Yet, there… Read More
Discriminative Multiple Instance Hyperspectral Target Characterization

Abstract: In this paper, two methods for multiple instance target characterization, MI-SMF and MI-ACE, are presented. MI-SMF and MI-ACE estimate a discriminative target signature from imprecisely-labeled and mixed training data. In many applications, such as sub-pixel target detection in remotely-sensed… Read More