
Congrats on the Tenure-Track position, Changzhe!

Congratulations to our lab alumnus, Dr. Changzhe Jiao, on accepting a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor position at Xidian University in Xi’an, China!  Great News! We are excited to follow your research career as you move forward! Read more about Changzhe’s research… Read More

Welcome new PhD student Hudanyun Sheng!

The Machine Learning and Sensing Lab is excited to welcome Hudanyun Sheng to our lab as a new Ph.D. student! She received her B.S. in Science and Technology of Optical Information at Tongji University in 2015. She is currently completing… Read More

Gatorsensers Interning This Summer

Many GatorSense lab members will be interning around the country this summer! Shashank Avusali will be a Software Engineering Intern at EquipmentShare in Columbia, MO. He will be working with a data scientist to analyze health data. James Bocinsky will… Read More

Welcome new Masters student Princess Lyons!

The Machine Learning and Sensing Lab is excited to welcome Princess Lyons to our lab as a new Masters student! She is currently completing a B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering with minors in Computer Science, Mathematics and Spanish at… Read More