The Machine Learning and Sensing Lab is excited to welcome our newest lab member Jason Bonvie! Jason is a senior computer engineering undergraduate student. He will be contributing to our plant root phenotyping research. Welcome to our lab, Jason!
Hyperspectral Tree Crown Classification Using the Multiple Instance Adaptive Cosine Estimator
Abstract: Tree species classification using hyperspectral imagery is a challenging task due to the high spectral similarity between species and large intra-species variability. This paper proposes a solution using the Multiple Instance Adaptive Cosine Estimator (MI-ACE) algorithm. MI-ACE estimates a… Read More
Congratulations Mr. Shashank Avusali, our lab’s most recent M.S. graduate!
Congratulations to Mr. Shashank Avusali for graduating with his M.S. this past week! His thesis is titled “Three Dimensional Reconstruction of Plant Roots via Low Energy X-ray Computed Tomography.” His research focused on generating a three-dimensional model of a plant… Read More
Welcome new PhD student Matthew Cook!
The Machine Learning and Sensing Lab is excited to welcome Matthew Cook to our lab as a new Ph.D. student! Matthew has recently been awarded the Graduate School Preeminence Award to fund his studies at the University of Florida! He… Read More
Congratulations to our labmate Akira Sewnath for winning the 2018 ECE Undergraduate Excellence Award!
Congratulations to our labmate, Akira Sewnath, for winning the 2018 ECE Undergraduate Excellence Award for her research. Akira is working on a study where she used possibilistic K-NN on Peanut Mesocarp Classification Application.
Sheng Zou Recently Presented His Work at AAG 2018 in New Orleans!
Our labmate Sheng Zou recently presented his work “Hyperspectral Unmixing with Endmember Variability using Partial Membership Latent Dirichlet Allocation” at AAG 2018 conference in New Orleans. Good job!
Congratulations to our labmate Joshua Peeples for Winning an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!
Congratulations to our labmate Joshua Peeples for winning a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship for his research entitled “Getting Active: AUVs for Automated Sea Understanding” ! Josh proposed a study into novel active learning techniques for automated undersea scene… Read More
Congrats to Xiaoxiao for new position as a Senior Research Engineer at the University of Michigan
Congratulations to our lab alumna, Dr. Xiaoxiao Du, on her new appointment as a Senior Research Engineer at the University of Michigan! Dr. Du will be working on machine learning and computer vision methods for pedestrian perception and scene understanding.… Read More
GatorSense Low Rope Course!
The Machine Learning and Sensing Lab had a great time going through the low rope courses together at the Lake Wauburg this past weekend! We had a lot of fun accomplishing every mission together. We followed up our success at… Read More
Drought Symposium at Colorado State University
Don’t miss the Drought Symposium at Colorado State University on June 21/22! Speakers include Detlef Weigel, Malia Gehan, Duke Pauli, Alina Zare, Brook Moyers, William Beavis, Chris Topp, and Mike Olsen. Alina Zare will discuss machine learning methods for phenotyping.