
RhizoVision Crown Accepted to Plant Phenomics!

Machine Learning and Sensing Lab Alumni, Anand Seethepalli, and collaborators recently had a paper accepted to Plant Phenomics.  The article discusses an innovative platform to help collect consistent images of root crowns for phenotyping.  Check it out here! 

Spectral Variability in Hyperspectral Data Unmixing: A Comprehensive Review

Abstract: The spectral signatures of the materials contained in hyperspectral images (HI), also called endmembers (EM), can be significantly affected by variations in atmospheric, illumination or environmental conditions typically occurring within an HI. Traditional spectral unmixing (SU) algorithms neglect the… Read More

Stewart Obtains Internship at Naval Surface Warfare Center

Our labmate, Dylan Stewart, recently accepted an internship offer from the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Panama City Beach, FL.  Dylan has been researching image registration approaches for use in both underwater and aerial scene understanding.  During his internship, Dylan… Read More

GatorSense Featured by UF ECE!

The Machine Learning and Sensing Lab was recently featured by UF ECE!  Their article featured the lab’s collaboration with agricultural researchers at the UF Beef Research Unit.  Check out what our labmate, Dylan Stewart, is working on in the full… Read More

Kim Accepted to Columbia University!

Congratulations to Tyler Kim on his acceptance to Columbia University!  Tyler spent summer 2019 participating as a high school student in the UF Student Science Training Program (SSTP).   During this time, Tyler conducted research on texture analysis using artificial neural… Read More

Shats Awarded Internship at IBM

Congratulations to Gatorsense alumnus, Daniel Shats, for obtaining a 5 month co-op at the IBM Research Lab in Haifa, Isreal!  While at IBM, Daniel will be applying Machine Learning to a variety of medical data. We can’t wait to see… Read More

Zou Accepted to IET Smartgrid Special Issue!

Congratulations to our labmate, Sheng Zou, and his collaborators: C. Ruben, S. Dhulipala, K. Nagaraj,  A. Starke, A. Bretas, A. Zare, and J. McNair!  Their paper,“Hybrid data-driven physics model-based framework for enhanced cyber-physical smart grid security,” was recently accepted to IET… Read More

Nelms IoT Conference Presentations

  Our labmates recently presented research posters at the Warren B. Nelms Annual IoT Conference hosted by the University of Florida.  The two-day conference, which was the first hosted by the university, focused on research, education and outreach activities on… Read More