
Celebrating Dr. Guohao Yu’s achievement

It is always a momentous occasion someone you know accomplishes what they have been working years for. Gatorsense is proud of Dr. Guohao Yu, who recently defended his PhD thesis! His work and dedication is an inspiration for the current… Read More

Congratulations to Yiming Cui for a Successful Proposal Defense!

Congratulations to our labmate Yiming Cui for successfully defending his research proposal!  Defending an oral research proposal is the second of four milestones to completing a Ph.D. at the University of Florida.  Yiming is planning to conduct point cloud semantic… Read More

Spatial and Texture Analysis of Root System Architecture with Earth Mover’s Distance (STARSEED)

Abstract: Purpose: Root system architectures are complex, multidimensional, and challenging to characterize effectively for agronomic and ecological discovery. Methods: We propose a new method, Spatial and Texture Analysis of Root System architecture with Earth mover’s Distance (STARSEED), for comparing root… Read More