
Welcome new Masters student Princess Lyons!

The Machine Learning and Sensing Lab is excited to welcome Princess Lyons to our lab as a new Masters student! She is currently completing a B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering with minors in Computer Science, Mathematics and Spanish at… Read More

Welcome new PhD student Yiming Cui!

The Machine Learning and Sensing Lab is excited to welcome Yiming Cui to our lab as a new Ph.D. student! He received his B.S. in control science and engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology in 2015. He is currently completing… Read More

GatorSense Rock Climbing and Painting!

The lab went out rock climbing and painting last weekend! GatorSense members at UF had a great time rocking climbing at the Lake Wauburg South Shore and our labmates at MU tested out their artistic talents at Paint the Town… Read More

Changzhe Jiao finalist for best student paper at IGARSS 2017

Congratulations to our labmate Changzhe Jiao as his paper “Multiple Instance Hybrid Estimator for Learning Target Signatures” was selected as one of the 10 finalists for the IGARSS 2017 student paper competition! The MI-HE paper outlines methods to characterize target… Read More

Welcome new PhD student Joshua Peeples!

The Machine Learning and Sensing Lab is excited to welcome Joshua Peeples to our lab as a new Ph.D. student! Joshua has recently been awarded the Graduate School Preeminence Award (GSPA) to fund his studies at the University of Florida!… Read More

Welcome new PhD student Connor McCurley!

The Machine Learning and Sensing Lab is excited to welcome Connor McCurley to the Lab as a new Ph.D. student! Connor has recently been awarded the Graduate School Preeminence Award (GSPA) to fund his studies at the University of Florida!… Read More