Lucas Z. Michels

Lucas Z. Michels

Lucas Z. Michels

4th year PhD Student 

Major: Aerospace Engineering

I joined APRG to do research on flow control using plasma actuators in Fall 2019. Contributions include setting up Particle Image Velocimetry assemblies, PIV data collection, design of components for such methods and aiding on the construction of APRG’s wind tunnel during my undergraduate.
I was awarded a SMART scholarship on fall 2021, which funded my pursuit towards my PhD. As a graduate, I started to use our in-house code  “Multiscale Ionized Gas” (MIG), an implicit large eddy finite element code, that uses discontinuous-Galerkin method, for super and hypersonic CFD. My goal at APRG is to develop a better understanding of plasma systems, so I can use this knowledge for high speed applications.