Boundary detection and Superpixel formation in synthetic aperture sonar imagery


A boundary detection algorithm for synthetic aper- ture sonar (SAS) images that draws upon a popular superpixel formation algorithm is detailed and tested against a set of SAS images containing a variety of common seabed categories. Textural clues are gathered using a novel DP clustering algorithm that replaces the traditional K-means operator used in texton clustering. The superpixel formation algorithm uses texture and image pixel intensity cues as the input to a K-way normalized cuts algorithms. Superpixel boundaries computed by the normalized cuts algorithm are then merged using a Jensen-Shannon (JS) divergence metric. These larger regions boundaries resulting from superpixel merging contain homogeneous seabed charac- teristics and are useful for follow on image segmentation and environmental parameter estimation. To illustrate the algorithm’s performance, boundary detection results are plotted in receiver- operator characteristic curve plot and selected oversegmented images are displayed at various JS divergence thresholds.




J. T. Cobb and A. Zare, “Boundary detection and Superpixel formation in synthetic aperture sonar imagery,” in 3rd Int. Conf. SAS and SAR, 2014. 
author = {Cobb, James T. and Zare, Alina},
title = {Boundary detection and Superpixel formation in synthetic aperture sonar imagery},
booktitle = {3rd Int. Conf. SAS and SAR},
year = {2014},
month = {Sept.},