Groundwater Issues at Landfills
Landfill Groundwater Publications
Powell, J, Jain, P, Smith, J, Townsend, T, Tolaymat, T (2015). “Does Disposing of Construction and Demolition Debris in Unlined Landfills Impact Groundwater Quality? Evidence from 91 Landfill Sites in Florida.” Environmental Science and Technology. doi:10.1021/acs.est.5b01368
Zhang, J., Kim, H., Townsend, T. (2014) “Methodology for assessing thioarsenic formation potential in sulfidic landfill environments.” Chemosphere. 107:311-318.
Pleasant, S., O’Donnell, A., Powell, J., Jain, P., Townsend, T. (2014) “Evaluation of air sparging and vadose zone aeration for remediation of iron and manganese-impacted groundwater at a closed municipal landfill.” Science of the Total Environment. 485-486: 31-40.
Wang, Yu., Sikora, S., Townsend T.(2013) “Ferrous Iron Removal by Limestone and Crushed Concrete in Dynamic Flow Columns.” Journal of Environmental Management. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2013.02.018.
Wang, Y., Sikora, S., Bonzongo, J., Rhue, D., Townsend, T. (2013) “Evaluation of Mineral Substrates for In Situ Iron Removal from Groundwater.” Environmental Earth Sciences. doi:10.1007/s12665-012-2054-8.
Wang, Y., Sikora, S., Kim, H., Boyer, T., Bonzongo, J., Townsend, T. (2013). “Effects of Solution Chemistry on the Removal Reaction between Calcium Carbonate-Based Materials and Fe(II).” Science of the Total Environment. 443:717-724. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.11.009.
Wang, Y., Sikora, S., Kim, H. Dubey, B., Townend, T. (2012) “Mobilization of iron and arsenic from soil by construction and demolition debris landfill leachate.” Waste Management. 32(5): 925-932. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2011.11.016.