Construction and Demolition Debris

Estimating the Environmental Benefits of Recycling Concrete Washout, funded by Diligent Services, Inc.
Diligent CW Report
C&D Debris Publications
Kim, H, Krause, M, Townsend, T (2016). “End-of-life management of corrosive drywall.” Journal of Environmental Management. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.07.072.
Roessler, J, Paris, J, Ferraro, C, Watts, B, Townsend, T (2016). “Use of waste to energy bottom ash as an aggregate in portland cement concrete: Impacts of size Fractionation and carbonation.” Waste and Biomass Valorization. doi:10.1007/s12649-016-9545-x
Roessler, J, Olivera, F, Wasman, S, Townsend, T, McVay, M, Ferraro, C, Blaisi, N (2016). “Construction material properties of slag from the high temperature arc gasification of municipal solid waste.” Waste Management. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2016.03.031
Paris, J, Roessler, J, Ferraro, C, DeFord, H, Townsend, T (2016). “A review of waste products utilized as supplements to Portland cement in concrete.” Journal of Cleaner Production. 121(10):1-18. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.02.013
Powell, J, Jain, P, Smith, J, Townsend, T, Tolaymat, T (2015). “Does Disposing of Construction and Demolition Debris in Unlined Landfills Impact Groundwater Quality? Evidence from 91 Landfill Sites in Florida.” Environmental Science and Technology. doi:10.1021/acs.est.5b01368
Powell, J, Jain, P, Bigger, A, Townsend, T (2015). “Development and application of a framework to examine the occurrence of hazardous components in discarded construction and demolition debris: Case study of asbestos-containing material and lead-based paint.” Journal of Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste, ASCE. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)HZ.2153-5515.0000266
Zhang, J, Dubey, B, Townsend, T (2014). “The effect of moisture control and air venting on H2S production and leachate quality in mature C&D debris landfills.” Environmental Science and Technology. 48(20):11777-11786.
Zhang, J., Kim, H., Townsend, T. (2014) “Methodology for assessing thioarsenic formation potential in sulfidic landfill environments.” Chemosphere. 107:311-318.
Xu, Q., Powell, J., Jain, P., Townsend, T. (2014) “Modeling of H2S migration through landfill cover materials.” 254(15):254-260. Journal of Hazardous Materials.
Xu, Q., Townsend, T. (2014) “Factors affecting temporal H2S emission at construction and demolition (C&D) debris landfills.” Chemosphere. 96:105-111. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2013.07.052.
Wang, Y., Sikora, S., Kim, H. Dubey, B., Townend, T. (2012) “Mobilization of iron and arsenic from soil by construction and demolition debris landfill leachate.” Waste Management. 32(5): 925-932. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2011.11.016.
Xu, Q., Townsend, T., Bitton, G. (2011). “Inhibition of Hydrogen Sulfide Generation from Disposed Gypsum Drywall Using Chemical Inhibitors.” Journal of Hazardous Materials. 191(1-3):204-211. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2011.04.063.
Hasan, A., Schindler, J., Solo-Gabriele, H., Townsend, T. (2011). “Online sorting of recovered wood by automated XRF-technology. Part I: Detection of preservative treated wood waste.” Waste Management, 31: 688-694.
Hasan, A., Solo-Gabriele, H., Townsend, T. (2011). “Online sorting of recovered wood by automated XRF-technology. Part II: Sorting efficiencies.” Waste Management, 31: 695-704.
Cochran, K., Townsend, T. (2010) “Estimating Construction and Demolition Debris Generation Using a Materials Flow Analysis Approach.” Waste Management, 30: 2247-2254.
Xu, Q., Townsend, T., Reinhart, D. (2010) “Attenuation of Hydrogen Sulfide at Construction and Demolition Debris Landfills Using Alternative Cover Materials.” Waste Management. 30(4), 660-666.
Dubey, B., Townsend, T., Solo-Gabriele, H. (2009). “Comparison of Metals Leaching from CCA- and ACQ-Treated Wood in Simulated Construction and Demolition Debris Landfills.” ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering. 135(10), 910-917.
Jambeck, J., Townsend, T., Solo-Gabriele, H. (2008) “Landfill Disposal of CCA-treated Wood with Construction and Demolition (C&D) Debris: Arsenic, Chromium and Copper Concentrations in Leachate.” Environmental Science and Technology. 42(15) 5740-5745.
Wadanambi, L., Dubey, B., Townsend, T. (2008) “The Leaching of Lead from Lead Based Paint in Landfill Environments” Journal of Hazardous Materials. 57, 194-200.
Musson, S., Xu, Q., Townsend, T. (2008) “Measuring gypsum content of C&D debris fine” Waste Management. 28, 2091-2096.
Cochran, K., Townsend, T., Reinhart, D., Heck, H. (2007) “Estimation of regional C&D debris generation and composition: Case study for Florida, U.S.” Waste Management. 21(7): 921-931
Plaza, C., Xu, Q., Townsend, T., Bitton, G., Booth, M. (2007) “Evaluation of Alternative Landfill Cover Soils for Attenuating Hydrogen Sulfide from C&D Debris Landfills.” Journal of Environmental Management. 84(3): 314-322.
Eun, S., Reinhart, D., Townsend, T., Cooper, D. (2007) “Hydrogen Sulfide Flux Measurements and Dispersion Modeling from Construction and Demolition (C&D) Landfills.” Waste Management. 27(2):220-227.
Lee, S., Xu, Q., Booth, M., Townsend, T., Chadik, P., Bitton, G. (2006) “Reduced Sulfur Compounds in Gas from Construction and Demolition Debris Landfills.” Waste Management. 26(5):526-533.
Townsend, T., Tolaymat, T., Leo, K., Jambeck, J. (2004). “Heavy Metals in Recovered Fines from Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling Facilities in Florida.” Science of the Total Environment. 332:1-11
Jang. Y., Townsend, T. (2003). “Effect of waste depth on leachate quality from laboratory construction and demolition debris landfills.” Environmental Engineering Science. 20(3):183-196.
Weber, W., Jang, Y., Townsend, T., and Laux, S. (2002). “Leachate from land disposed residential construction waste.” Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE. 128(3):237-245
Jang, Y. and Townsend, T. (2001) “Sulfate Leaching from Recovered Construction and Demolition Debris Fines.” Advances in Environmental Research. 5:203-217.
Jang, Y. and Townsend, T. (2001) “Occurrence of Organic Pollutants in Recovered Soil Fines from Construction and Demolition Waste” Waste Management. 21:703-715.
Sheridan, S., Townsend, T., Price, J. and Connell, J. (2000). “Policy options for hazardous-building-component removal before demolition.” Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, ASCE. 4(3):111-117.
Tolaymat, T., Townsend, T., and Solo-Gabriele, H. (2000). “CCA-treated wood in the recovered wood stream at C&D Waste Recycling Facilities.” Environmental Engineering Science. 17(1):19-28.
Townsend, T., Jang, Y., Thurn, L. (1999) “Simulation of construction and demolition waste leachate.” Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE. 125(11):1071-1081.