- Fall 2022: CAP4112: Generating Expressiveness in Intelligent Agents and Avatars
- Fall 2020: CAP4621: Artificial Intelligence
- Spring 2020: CAP5108: Research Methods for Human-centered Computing
- Fall 2019: CAP4621: Artifical Intelligence
- Spring 2019: CAP5108: Research Methods for Human-centered Computing
- Fall 2018: CAP4621: Artificial Intelligence
- Spring 2018: CAP5108: Research Methods for Human-centered Computing
- Fall 2017: CAP4621: Artificial Intelligence
- Spring 2017: CAP 5108: Research Methods for Human-centered Computing
- Spring 2016: CIS 6930/4930: Research Methods for Human-centered Computing
- Fall 2015: CIS 6930/4930: Human-centered Computer Graphics
- Spring 2015: CIS 6930/4930: Research Methods for Human-centered Computing
- Fall 2014: CIS 6930/4930: Human-centered Computer Graphics
- Frontiers Workshop: Digital Avatars: Risks, Harms, Barriers, Opportunities
- PrXR: Towards a roadmap for privacy and security research for mixed reality applications [IEEE VR ’21]
- Eye tracking and virtual reality [SIGGRAPH Asia ’19]
- Eye-tracking in 360: Methods, Challenges, and Opportunities [IEEE VR ’19]
- Visual Attention from a Graphics Point of View [EG ’16]