- The computational lab has twenty-five Windows and Linux based personal computers with 2 to 8 processors(3.2 GHz) and 2 to 8 GB of RAM.
- We share an Altix 450 SGI machine with 8 socket, 16 processors (1.6GHz/8MB) Montecito (DC) with 72 GB of RAM (the maximum it can handle for the chosen rack) and 600 GB of SAS HDD. It has Linux OS with C++ and Fortran compilers.
- Computational facility has direct access to 200 processors of the High Performance Computing Center of the University of Florida. HPC has over 3,000 cores in dual-core, quad-core, and hex-core servers. The clusters share over 120 terabytes of distributed storage via the Lustre parallel file system.
TEST FACILITIES (Room 123-B and Room 131)
- ULTRA Large 3D printing Capabilities with Folger Tech Ft-5. 300mm x 300mm x 400mm Print volume
- 2’x6′ Subsonic NASA wind tunnel
- 8.25′ x 8.25′ Custom Built Subsonic glow-in-the-dark wind tunnel with Particle Image Velocimetry and Pressure Tap setup
- Plasma Generation: The test facility has both low and high pressure, high voltage (up to 50 kV) dc and sinusoidal (up to 40 kHz) driven plasma generation and testing capability.
- Device Manufacturing: We possess CNC and LPKF milling machines. Additionally, we have access to UF clean room facility for photolithograpy.
- Flow Visualization: An array of cameras available including a very high speed (250,000 fps) Phantom 7.3 camera, and an array of digital SLR cameras. Local seeding capability of the flow with variety seeding materials is also possible.
- PIV Tools: A Nd:YAG, dual cavity pulsed, 532 nm laser (New Wave Research Solo PIV II 30), a LaVision Image Intense camera (1376 x 1040 pixels) fitted with an array of lenses. LaVision DaVis 2D PIV software package is also available to calibrate, capture, preprocess, and post-process the PIV
- Power Electronics: Capability of plasma generation using switching amplifier, compact resonant type power supply with output feedback control