April 12, 2023: Karina accepts a Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory for Summer ’23. Congratulations Karina!
April 1, 2023: Dr. Jain is an invited speaker at the 2023 Spring DSI Symposium on the topic “Horse as Teacher: How human-horse interaction informs human-robot interaction”.
Ethan and Karina attended IEEE VR’23 Satellite Event hosted by Virginia Tech
Upcoming poster presentation “Give me some room please! Personal space bubbles for safety and performance” at IEEE VR 2023. Congratulations Karina and Ethan!
Give me some room please! Personal space bubbles for safety and performance
Upcoming presentation on “Privacy-preserving datasets of eye-tracking samples with applications in XR” at IEEE VR 2023. Congratulations Brendan!
Upcoming presentation on “Privacy-preserving datasets of eye-tracking samples with applications in XR” at IEEE VR 2023. Congratulations Brendan!
Karina LaRubbio awarded a scholarship to do undergraduate research in Jain Lab as a University Scholar (2023-24). Congratulations Karina!
Dr Jain named to ACM Executive Committee
Jain Named to ACM Executive Committee – Computer & Information Science & Engineering (
Joe Marks (CTO (Weta Digital) @ Unity) visits with the Jainlab during colloquium visit
Making virtual reality burgers!