Doctoral student Pei-Ying Wu will be speaking today at the UF Engineering and Science Fair. For more information, please visit the website here.
ei-Ying Wu
Booth Mechanical Engineering
Surface Finishing of Additively Manufactured Components by Magnetic Abrasive Finishing
Name(s): Pei-Ying Wu, Hitomi Yamaguchi
Additively manufactured components facilitate the manufacturing of complicated metal parts. Selective laser melting (SLM) is one of the most versatile additive manufacturing process for applications in a wide variety of areas including biomedical and aerospace engineering. However, SLM-processed components require post-processing to meet the rigorous surface quality requirements. The focus of this project is using Magnetic Abrasive Finishing (MAF) to modify the surfaces of 316L stainless steel components made using SLM. MAF can be used for altering the surface geometry, eliminating surface defects, and achieving different levels of surface roughness. Experimental results show the capability of MAF for modifying the surface of SLM-produced components in a wide range (from around 100 µm RZ to 2 µm RZ).