

Refereed Publications under Review or Revision

  1. Yuqiang Ning, Lili Du 2024. A Dynamic Coordinated Joint Routing and En-Route Charging Mechanism for Traffic Congestion Mitigation. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (under review).
  2. Jiahua Qiu, Yuqiang Ning, Feiyang Kang, Lili Du 2024. Robust Electric Vehicle Charging Station Planning Factoring Microscopic Traffic Congestion Adapting to Steady and Surging Charging Demand Increase. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (under review).
  3. Zihang Wei, Yang Zhou, Lili Du, Yunlong Zhang 2024. Discover Physically Analyzable Governing Nonlinearities of Traffic Network Flow Dynamics. Nature Communications (Under review)
  4. Jihua Qiu, Lili Du, Qichao Wang, 2023. Optimal Joint Vehicle Routing and Battery Redistribution Plans for Mobile Battery Swapping Service: MPC modeling and Deep Reinforcement Learning Aided Sampling Solution, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (under review).
  5. Chenlu Pu, Lili Du, 2023. Online adaptive shockwave detection and completion based on vehicle trajectory data: hybrid data-driven algorithm design and completion theory development. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (under review).

Refereed Journals

  1. Chen Mu, Yisheng An, Lili Du (2024). Compliance-constrained Resilient System Optimal Trajectory Planning for CAVs at On-ramp Intersections with Multiple Lanes. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological.
  2. Zhang, Hanyu, and Lili Du. “Real-time executable platoon formation approach using hierarchical cooperative motion planning framework.” Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 171 (2025): 104942.
  3. Liu, C., Pu, C., Du, L., & Wang, Y. (2024). Potentials and Challenges of AI-Empowered Solutions to Urban Transportation Infrastructure Systems: NSF AI-Transportation Workshop Phase I. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 150(9), 02524001.
  4. Pu, C., Liu, C., Wang, Y., & Du, L. (2024). Frontiers of Emerging AI Technologies Best Practices and Workforce Development in Transportation: NSF AI–Transportation Workshop Phase II. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 150(9), 02524002.
  5. Jinglai Shen, Lili Du, Sequential Feasibility and Constraint Properties of CAV Platoons under Various Vehicle Dynamics and Safety Distance Constraints, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Volume 185, 2024, 102966, ISSN 0191-2615,
  6. Marzieh Khakifirooz, Michel Fathi, Lili Du, Reliability Assessment of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Networks through Headway Distribution and Information Propagation Delay, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Volume 24, 2024, 101053, ISSN 2590-1982,
  7. H. Yang, W. Yu, G. Zhang and L. Du, “Network-Wide Traffic Flow Dynamics Prediction Leveraging Macroscopic Traffic Flow Model and Deep Neural Networks,” in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2023.3329489.
  8. W. Peng and L. Du, “A Novel Real-Time Coordinated Ridesharing Route Choice Mechanism,” in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2023.3327941.
  9. Kaitai Yang, Hanyi Yang, Lili Du (2022). A Data-Driven Traffic Shockwave Detection Approach Based on Vehicle Trajectories Data, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Technology, Planning, and Operations, 10.1080/15472450.2023.2270415
  10. Jiahua Qiu, Lili Du (2023). Cooperative Trajectory Control for Synchronizing the Movement of Two Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Separated in a Mixed Traffic Flow. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 174, 102769.
  11. Ala Alobeidyeen, Hanyi Yang and Lili Du (2023). Information Dissemination Dynamics through Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Built Upon Traffic Flow Dynamics over Roadway Networks. Vehicular Communications, 100598.
  12. Hanyu Zhang, Lili Du (2023) Platoon-Centered Control for Eco-driving at Signalized Intersection Built upon Hybrid MPC System, Online Learning and Distributed Optimization Part I: Modeling and Solution Algorithm Design. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 172, 174-198.
  13. Hanyu Zhang, Lili Du (2023) Platoon-Centered Control for Eco-driving at Signalized Intersection Built upon Hybrid MPC System, Online Learning and Distributed Optimization Part II: Theoretical Analysis. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 172, 199-216.
  14. Hanyi Yang, Du, Lili, Guohui Zhang, Tianwei Ma (2023). A Traffic Flow Dependency and Dynamics based Deep Learning Aided Approach for Network-Wide Traffic Speed Propagation Prediction. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 167, 99-117.
  15. Yuqiang Ning, Lili Du (2023). Robust and resilient equilibrium routing mechanism for traffic congestion mitigation built upon correlated equilibrium and distributed optimizationTransportation research part B: methodological168, 170-205.
  16. Jiahua Qiu, Lili Du (2023). Optimal dispatching of electric vehicles for providing charging on-demand service leveraging charging-on-the-move technology. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies146, 103968.
  17. Haiyan Hao, Yan Wang, Lili Du, Shigang Chen (2023). Enabling smart curb management with spatiotemporal deep learning. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 99, 101914.
  18. Jiahua Qiu, Yue Jing, Wang Peng, Lili Du, Yujie Hu (2022). Identifying critical transfer zones to coordinate transit with on-demand services using crowdsourced trajectory data. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Technology, Planning, and Operations, 1-23.
  19. Jinglai Shen, Eswar Hathibelagal Kammara, Lili Du (2022). Nonconvex, Fully Distributed Optimization Based CAV Platooning Control under Nonlinear Vehicle Dynamics, IEEE Transactions on ITS, 23(11), 20506-20521.
  20. Prabuddha Chakraborty, Robert Parker, Tamzidul Hoque, Lili Du, ShuoWang, and Swarup Bhunia (2022). Addressing the Range Anxiety of Battery Electric Vehicles with Charging En Route, Scientific Reports 12 (1), pp. 1-15.
  21. Stephen Spana, Lili Du (2022). Optimal Information Perturbation for Traffic Congestion Mitigation: Gaussian Process Regression and Optimization. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 138: 103647. DOI: 10.1016/j.trc.2022.103647, pp. 1-24.
  22. Wang Peng, Lili Du (2021). Investigating optimal carpool scheme by a semi-centralized ride-matching approach, IEEE Transactions on ITS, 23(9), 14990-15004.
  23. Hanyu Zhang, Lili Du, Jinglai Shen (2021). Machine Learning Aided Platoon-Based Cooperative Lane-change Control Using MPC Approach. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 159, 104-142.
  24. Shen, Jinglai; Hathibelagal Kammara, Eswar; Du, Lili (2021). Fully Distributed Optimization based CAV Platooning Control under Linear Vehicle Dynamics, Transportation Science, 56(2), pp. 381-403.
  25. Peng, Wang, and Lili Du (2021). Forming coordination group for coordinated traffic congestion management schemes. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 128 : 103113.
  26. Mu, Chen, Lili Du, and Xiangmo Zhao (2021). Event triggered rolling horizon based systematical trajectory planning for merging platoons at mainline-ramp intersection. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 125: 103006.
  27. Stephen Spana, Lili Du, Yafeng Yin (2021). Strategic Information Perturbation for an Online In-Vehicle Coordinated Routing Mechanism for Connected Vehicles Under Mixed-Strategy Congestion Game. IEEE Transactions on ITS, 23(5), 4541-4555.
  28. Yang, Hanyi, Lili Du, and Jamshid Mohammadi (2021). A shock wave diagram based deep learning model for early alerting an upcoming public event. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 122: 102862.
  29. Charisis, A., Spana, S., Kaiser, E, Du, L. (2020). Locating and Scheduling Inner-City Hubs for Last-Mile Deliveries, International Journal for Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Vol. 10(2), 169-186.
  30. GE Yinyin, DU Lili, YE Hongxing. (2019). Co-optimization approach to post-storm recovery for interdependent power and transportation systems  Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 1-8.
  31. Lin, J., Zhou, W., & Du, L. (2018). Is on-demand same day package delivery service green?  Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 61, 118-139.
  32. Gong, S., & Du, L. (2018). Cooperative platoon control for a mixed traffic flow including human drive vehicles and connected and autonomous vehicles. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 116, 25-61.
  33. Chen, Shuwei, and Lili Du (2017). Simulation Study of the Impact of Local Real-Time Traffic Information Provision Strategy in Connected Vehicle Systems. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 6(4), 229-239.
  34. Lili Du, Siyuan Gong, Lu Wang, and Xiang-Yang Li (2016). Information-Traffic Cell Transmission Model for Information Coverage Dynamics over V2V Communication Network on Road Segments. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 73,Pages 30-48.
  35. Siyuan Gong, Jinglai Shen, Lili Du (2016). Constrained optimization and distributed computation based car following control of a connected and autonomous vehicle platoon.Transportation Research Part B: Methodological94, 314-334.
  36. Lili Du, Siyuan Gong (2016). Stochastic Poisson Game for an Online Decentralized and Coordinated Parking Mechanism. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 87, 44-63.
  37. Siyuan Gong, Lili Du (2016). Optimal Location of Advance Warning for Mandatory Lane Change near a Two-Lane Highway Off-ramp. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 84, 1-30.
  38. Lili Du, Srinivas Peeta, Peng Wei, and Dengfeng Sun (2015). A quantitative and systematic methodology to investigate energy consumption issues in multimodal intercity transportation systems. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 4(3), 229-256.
  39. Lili Du, Lanshan Han, and Shuwei Chen (2015).Coordinated Online In-Vehicle Routing Balancing User Optimality and System Optimality through Information Perturbation. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 79, 121-133.
  40. Lili Du, Shuwei Chen, and Lanshan Han (2015). Coordinated Online In-Vehicle Navigation Guidance Based on Routing Game Theory. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, (2497), 106-116.
  41. Lili Du and Hoang Dao (2014). Information Dissemination Delay in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Networks in a Traffic Stream. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 16(1), 66-80.
  42. Lili Du, Lanshan Han, and Xiangyang Li (2014). Distributed Coordinated In-Vehicle Online Routing Using Mixed Strategy Congestion Game. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 67, 1-17.
  43. Lili Du and Srinivas Peeta (2013). A Stochastic Optimization Model to Reduce Expected Post-Disaster Response Time Through Pre-Disaster Investment Decisions. Networks and Spatial Economics 14 (2), 271-295.
  44. Lili Du, Srinivas Peeta and Yong Hoon Kim (2013). Online Stochastic Routing Incorporating Real-Time Traffic Information. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2334, 95-104.
  45. Yin Hang, Lili Du, Qu Min, and Srinivas Peeta (2013). Multi-objective optimization of integrated solar absorption cooling and heating systems for medium-sized office buildings. Renewable Energy, 52(4), 67-78.
  46. Lili Du, Srinivas Peeta, and Yong Hoon Kim (2012). An Adaptive Information Fusion Model to Predict the Short-Term Link Travel Time Distribution in Dynamic Traffic Networks. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 46(1), 235-252.
  47. Lanshan Han and Lili Du (2012). On a Link-Based Day-to-Day Traffic Assignment Model. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 46(1), 72-84.
  48. Lili Du, Anuj Sharma, and Srinivas Peeta (2012). Optimal Advance Detector Location for Green Termination Systems on High Speed Isolated Intersections. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 46(10), 1404-1418.
  49. Lili Du and Satish Ukkusuri (2010). The Relative Mobility of Vehicles Improves the Performance of Information Flow in Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks. Networks and Spatial Economics 10, 209-240.
  50. Lili Du, Satish Ukkusuri, Wilfredo F. Yushimito Del Valle, and Shivkumar Kalyanaraman (2009). Optimization Models to Characterize the Broadcast Capacity of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 17(6), 571-585.
  51. Satish Ukkusuri and Lili Du (2008). Geometric Connectivity of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: Analytical Characterization. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 16(5), 615-634
  52. Lili Du, Satish Ukkusuri, and Shivkumar Kalyanaraman (2008). Integrating Traffic Flow Features to Characterize the Interference in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. In Huaqun Guo eds. Automotive Informatics and Communicative Systems: Principals in Vehicular Networks and Data Exchange. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference;162-179.
  53. Zhenggang Dan, Linning Cai, Lili Du, and Li Zheng (2006). Load Balancing of the Vehicle Routing Problem. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology) 46(11), 1945-1948.
  54. Sunderesh Heragu, Lili Du, Ronald Mantel, and Peter Schuur (2005). Mathematical Model for Warehouse Design and Product Allocation. International Journal of Production Research 43(2), 327-338.