Refereed Publications under Review or Revision
- Yuqiang Ning, Lili Du 2024. A Dynamic Coordinated Joint Routing and En-Route Charging Mechanism for Traffic Congestion Mitigation. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (under review).
- Jiahua Qiu, Yuqiang Ning, Feiyang Kang, Lili Du 2024. Robust Electric Vehicle Charging Station Planning Factoring Microscopic Traffic Congestion Adapting to Steady and Surging Charging Demand Increase. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (under review).
- Zihang Wei, Yang Zhou, Lili Du, Yunlong Zhang 2024. Discover Physically Analyzable Governing Nonlinearities of Traffic Network Flow Dynamics. Nature Communications (Under review)
- Jihua Qiu, Lili Du, Qichao Wang, 2023. Optimal Joint Vehicle Routing and Battery Redistribution Plans for Mobile Battery Swapping Service: MPC modeling and Deep Reinforcement Learning Aided Sampling Solution, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (under review).
- Chenlu Pu, Lili Du, 2023. Online adaptive shockwave detection and completion based on vehicle trajectory data: hybrid data-driven algorithm design and completion theory development. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (under review).
Refereed Journals
- Chen Mu, Yisheng An, Lili Du (2024). Compliance-constrained Resilient System Optimal Trajectory Planning for CAVs at On-ramp Intersections with Multiple Lanes. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological.
- Zhang, Hanyu, and Lili Du. “Real-time executable platoon formation approach using hierarchical cooperative motion planning framework.” Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 171 (2025): 104942.
- Liu, C., Pu, C., Du, L., & Wang, Y. (2024). Potentials and Challenges of AI-Empowered Solutions to Urban Transportation Infrastructure Systems: NSF AI-Transportation Workshop Phase I. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 150(9), 02524001.
- Pu, C., Liu, C., Wang, Y., & Du, L. (2024). Frontiers of Emerging AI Technologies Best Practices and Workforce Development in Transportation: NSF AI–Transportation Workshop Phase II. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 150(9), 02524002.
- Jinglai Shen, Lili Du, Sequential Feasibility and Constraint Properties of CAV Platoons under Various Vehicle Dynamics and Safety Distance Constraints, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Volume 185, 2024, 102966, ISSN 0191-2615,
- Marzieh Khakifirooz, Michel Fathi, Lili Du, Reliability Assessment of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Networks through Headway Distribution and Information Propagation Delay, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Volume 24, 2024, 101053, ISSN 2590-1982,
- H. Yang, W. Yu, G. Zhang and L. Du, “Network-Wide Traffic Flow Dynamics Prediction Leveraging Macroscopic Traffic Flow Model and Deep Neural Networks,” in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2023.3329489.
- W. Peng and L. Du, “A Novel Real-Time Coordinated Ridesharing Route Choice Mechanism,” in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2023.3327941.
- Kaitai Yang, Hanyi Yang, Lili Du (2022). A Data-Driven Traffic Shockwave Detection Approach Based on Vehicle Trajectories Data, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Technology, Planning, and Operations, 10.1080/15472450.2023.2270415
- Jiahua Qiu, Lili Du (2023). Cooperative Trajectory Control for Synchronizing the Movement of Two Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Separated in a Mixed Traffic Flow. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 174, 102769.
- Ala Alobeidyeen, Hanyi Yang and Lili Du (2023). Information Dissemination Dynamics through Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Built Upon Traffic Flow Dynamics over Roadway Networks. Vehicular Communications, 100598.
- Hanyu Zhang, Lili Du (2023) Platoon-Centered Control for Eco-driving at Signalized Intersection Built upon Hybrid MPC System, Online Learning and Distributed Optimization Part I: Modeling and Solution Algorithm Design. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 172, 174-198.
- Hanyu Zhang, Lili Du (2023) Platoon-Centered Control for Eco-driving at Signalized Intersection Built upon Hybrid MPC System, Online Learning and Distributed Optimization Part II: Theoretical Analysis. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 172, 199-216.
- Hanyi Yang, Du, Lili, Guohui Zhang, Tianwei Ma (2023). A Traffic Flow Dependency and Dynamics based Deep Learning Aided Approach for Network-Wide Traffic Speed Propagation Prediction. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 167, 99-117.
- Yuqiang Ning, Lili Du (2023). Robust and resilient equilibrium routing mechanism for traffic congestion mitigation built upon correlated equilibrium and distributed optimization. Transportation research part B: methodological, 168, 170-205.
- Jiahua Qiu, Lili Du (2023). Optimal dispatching of electric vehicles for providing charging on-demand service leveraging charging-on-the-move technology. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 146, 103968.
- Haiyan Hao, Yan Wang, Lili Du, Shigang Chen (2023). Enabling smart curb management with spatiotemporal deep learning. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 99, 101914.
- Jiahua Qiu, Yue Jing, Wang Peng, Lili Du, Yujie Hu (2022). Identifying critical transfer zones to coordinate transit with on-demand services using crowdsourced trajectory data. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Technology, Planning, and Operations, 1-23.
- Jinglai Shen, Eswar Hathibelagal Kammara, Lili Du (2022). Nonconvex, Fully Distributed Optimization Based CAV Platooning Control under Nonlinear Vehicle Dynamics, IEEE Transactions on ITS, 23(11), 20506-20521.
- Prabuddha Chakraborty, Robert Parker, Tamzidul Hoque, Lili Du, ShuoWang, and Swarup Bhunia (2022). Addressing the Range Anxiety of Battery Electric Vehicles with Charging En Route, Scientific Reports 12 (1), pp. 1-15.
- Stephen Spana, Lili Du (2022). Optimal Information Perturbation for Traffic Congestion Mitigation: Gaussian Process Regression and Optimization. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 138: 103647. DOI: 10.1016/j.trc.2022.103647, pp. 1-24.
- Wang Peng, Lili Du (2021). Investigating optimal carpool scheme by a semi-centralized ride-matching approach, IEEE Transactions on ITS, 23(9), 14990-15004.
- Hanyu Zhang, Lili Du, Jinglai Shen (2021). Machine Learning Aided Platoon-Based Cooperative Lane-change Control Using MPC Approach. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 159, 104-142.
- Shen, Jinglai; Hathibelagal Kammara, Eswar; Du, Lili (2021). Fully Distributed Optimization based CAV Platooning Control under Linear Vehicle Dynamics, Transportation Science, 56(2), pp. 381-403.
- Peng, Wang, and Lili Du (2021). Forming coordination group for coordinated traffic congestion management schemes. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 128 : 103113.
- Mu, Chen, Lili Du, and Xiangmo Zhao (2021). Event triggered rolling horizon based systematical trajectory planning for merging platoons at mainline-ramp intersection. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 125: 103006.
- Stephen Spana, Lili Du, Yafeng Yin (2021). Strategic Information Perturbation for an Online In-Vehicle Coordinated Routing Mechanism for Connected Vehicles Under Mixed-Strategy Congestion Game. IEEE Transactions on ITS, 23(5), 4541-4555.
- Yang, Hanyi, Lili Du, and Jamshid Mohammadi (2021). A shock wave diagram based deep learning model for early alerting an upcoming public event. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 122: 102862.
- Charisis, A., Spana, S., Kaiser, E, Du, L. (2020). Locating and Scheduling Inner-City Hubs for Last-Mile Deliveries, International Journal for Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Vol. 10(2), 169-186.
- GE Yinyin, DU Lili, YE Hongxing. (2019). Co-optimization approach to post-storm recovery for interdependent power and transportation systems Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 1-8.
- Lin, J., Zhou, W., & Du, L. (2018). Is on-demand same day package delivery service green? Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 61, 118-139.
- Gong, S., & Du, L. (2018). Cooperative platoon control for a mixed traffic flow including human drive vehicles and connected and autonomous vehicles. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 116, 25-61.
- Chen, Shuwei, and Lili Du (2017). Simulation Study of the Impact of Local Real-Time Traffic Information Provision Strategy in Connected Vehicle Systems. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 6(4), 229-239.
- Lili Du, Siyuan Gong, Lu Wang, and Xiang-Yang Li (2016). Information-Traffic Cell Transmission Model for Information Coverage Dynamics over V2V Communication Network on Road Segments. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 73,Pages 30-48.
- Siyuan Gong, Jinglai Shen, Lili Du (2016). Constrained optimization and distributed computation based car following control of a connected and autonomous vehicle platoon.Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 94, 314-334.
- Lili Du, Siyuan Gong (2016). Stochastic Poisson Game for an Online Decentralized and Coordinated Parking Mechanism. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 87, 44-63.
- Siyuan Gong, Lili Du (2016). Optimal Location of Advance Warning for Mandatory Lane Change near a Two-Lane Highway Off-ramp. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 84, 1-30.
- Lili Du, Srinivas Peeta, Peng Wei, and Dengfeng Sun (2015). A quantitative and systematic methodology to investigate energy consumption issues in multimodal intercity transportation systems. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 4(3), 229-256.
- Lili Du, Lanshan Han, and Shuwei Chen (2015).Coordinated Online In-Vehicle Routing Balancing User Optimality and System Optimality through Information Perturbation. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 79, 121-133.
- Lili Du, Shuwei Chen, and Lanshan Han (2015). Coordinated Online In-Vehicle Navigation Guidance Based on Routing Game Theory. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, (2497), 106-116.
- Lili Du and Hoang Dao (2014). Information Dissemination Delay in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Networks in a Traffic Stream. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 16(1), 66-80.
- Lili Du, Lanshan Han, and Xiangyang Li (2014). Distributed Coordinated In-Vehicle Online Routing Using Mixed Strategy Congestion Game. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 67, 1-17.
- Lili Du and Srinivas Peeta (2013). A Stochastic Optimization Model to Reduce Expected Post-Disaster Response Time Through Pre-Disaster Investment Decisions. Networks and Spatial Economics 14 (2), 271-295.
- Lili Du, Srinivas Peeta and Yong Hoon Kim (2013). Online Stochastic Routing Incorporating Real-Time Traffic Information. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2334, 95-104.
- Yin Hang, Lili Du, Qu Min, and Srinivas Peeta (2013). Multi-objective optimization of integrated solar absorption cooling and heating systems for medium-sized office buildings. Renewable Energy, 52(4), 67-78.
- Lili Du, Srinivas Peeta, and Yong Hoon Kim (2012). An Adaptive Information Fusion Model to Predict the Short-Term Link Travel Time Distribution in Dynamic Traffic Networks. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 46(1), 235-252.
- Lanshan Han and Lili Du (2012). On a Link-Based Day-to-Day Traffic Assignment Model. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 46(1), 72-84.
- Lili Du, Anuj Sharma, and Srinivas Peeta (2012). Optimal Advance Detector Location for Green Termination Systems on High Speed Isolated Intersections. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 46(10), 1404-1418.
- Lili Du and Satish Ukkusuri (2010). The Relative Mobility of Vehicles Improves the Performance of Information Flow in Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks. Networks and Spatial Economics 10, 209-240.
- Lili Du, Satish Ukkusuri, Wilfredo F. Yushimito Del Valle, and Shivkumar Kalyanaraman (2009). Optimization Models to Characterize the Broadcast Capacity of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 17(6), 571-585.
- Satish Ukkusuri and Lili Du (2008). Geometric Connectivity of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: Analytical Characterization. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 16(5), 615-634
- Lili Du, Satish Ukkusuri, and Shivkumar Kalyanaraman (2008). Integrating Traffic Flow Features to Characterize the Interference in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. In Huaqun Guo eds. Automotive Informatics and Communicative Systems: Principals in Vehicular Networks and Data Exchange. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference;162-179.
- Zhenggang Dan, Linning Cai, Lili Du, and Li Zheng (2006). Load Balancing of the Vehicle Routing Problem. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology) 46(11), 1945-1948.
- Sunderesh Heragu, Lili Du, Ronald Mantel, and Peter Schuur (2005). Mathematical Model for Warehouse Design and Product Allocation. International Journal of Production Research 43(2), 327-338.