Current Students
Majid Mirzanejad

Ph.D. Student
(started 08/2017) – Research topic: 3D Viscoelastic seismic waveform tomography
Ruoyu Chen

Ph.D. Student
(started 01/2019) – Research topic: Full waveform inversion of SH- and Love-wave data
Yao Wang

Ph.D. Student
(started 08/2019) – Research topic: 3D Ambient noise tomography (3D ANT)
Mohammad Khorrami

Ph.D. Student
(started 01/2020)– Research topic: Physics-guided machine learning full waveform tomography
Angelina Liu

Ph.D. Student
(started 05/2020) – Research topic: GPR Full Waveform Tomography.
Former Students
Trung Dung Nguyen
(05/2018, Clarkson) –Dissertation: Near surface site characterization with 3D seismic waveform tomography
Duminidu Siriwardane
(12/2016, Clarkson) –Thesis: Detection of sinkholes or anomalies using 2D full waveform tomography
Brian Sullivan
(08/2015, Clarkson ) –Thesis: Characterization of abandoned mine voids using full waveform tomography
Justin Sperry
(08/2018, Clarkson) – Master project: Shear wave velocity profiles of roadway substructures from Multichannel analysis of surface waves and waveform tomography
Michael Campagna
(2/2017, Clarkson) – Master project: Software development for calculations of Axial and Lateral soil Resistances on the Central Hudson Gas and Electric “Can” type foundations