

Journal Publications

  1. Jang, M.; Sem, K.; Choi, J.; Vuong, Q.; Pierce, R.; Blum, P.; Javaruski, J.; and gMadhu, A.  “Enrichment of Lipophilic Brevetoxins in Sea Spray Aerosol During from Red-Tide Algae Blooms”, in revision, 2024
  2. Han, S.; Jang, M. “Simulation of Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation Using Near-Explicitly Predicted Products from Naphthalene Photooxidation in Presence of NOxACS Earth and Space Chemistry,, 2024.
  3. Blau, Spencer and Jang, M. “Modeling impacts of indoor environmental variables on secondary organic aerosol formation” Science of The Total Environment, Available at SSRN: , Posted: 9 Aug 2024
  4. Choi, J.; Jang, M.; and Blau, S. “Dual roles of inorganic aqueous phase on SOA growth from benzene and phenol” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24, 6567–6582, 2024
  5. Madhu, A.; Jang, M.; Jo, Y. “Modeling the influence of carbon branching structure on SOA formation via multiphase reactions of alkanes” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,, 24(9), 5585–5602, 2024
  6. Jo, Y.; Jang, M.; Madhu, A.; Choi, J.; Park, J., Multiphase reactions of hydrocarbons into an air quality model with CAMx-UNIPAR: Impacts of humidity and NOx on secondary organic aerosol formation in the Southern USA. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth System, DOI: 10.22541/au.170629218.86079671/v1,2024
  7. Jo, Y.; Jang, M.; Han, S.; Madhu, A.; Koo, B., Jia, Y: Yu, Z.; Kim, S.; and Park, J., “CAMx-UNIPAR Simulation of SOA Mass Formed from Multiphase Reactions of Hydrocarbons under the Central Valley Urban Atmospheres of California”,, 24, 487–508, 2024
  8. Madhu, A.; Jang, M.; Deacon, D., “Modeling the influence of a chain length on SOA formation via multiphase reactions of alkanes” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23, 1661–1675, 2023.
  9. Han, S.; Jang, M. “Modeling Diurnal Variation of Biogenic SOA Formation via Multiphase Reaction of Biogenic Hydrocarbons” acp-2022-327, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23, 1209–1226, 2023.
  10. Zorbas, V.; Jang, M.; Emam, B.; Choi, J., “Modeling of Atmospheric Process of Cyanobacterial Toxins in Algal Aerosol” ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 7, 5, 1141–1150, 2023.
  11. Choi, J. and Jang, M., Suppression of the phenolic SOA formation in the presence of electrolytic inorganic seed. Science of The Total Environment (, 851, 158082, 2022
  12. Han, S.; Jang, M. “Prediction of Secondary Organic Aerosol from the Multiphase Reaction of Gasoline Vapor by Using Volatility–Reactivity Base Lumping” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22, 625–639, DOI:, 2022
  13. Yu, Z.; Jang, M.; Kim, S.; Son, K.; Madhu, A.; Han, S.; Park, J. Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation via Multiphase Reaction of Hydrocarbons in Urban Atmosphere Using the CAMx Model Integrated with the UNIPAR model,, 22, 9083-9098, 2022
  14. Sem, K,; Jang, M.; Pierce, R.; Blum, P.; pYu, Z “Characterization of Atmospheric Processes of Brevetoxins in Sea Spray Aerosol from Red Tide Events” Environmental Science and Technology, 56(3) 1811–1819, 2022
  15. Zechen Yu, Myoseon Jang, Soontae Kim, Kyuwon Son, Azad Madhu, Sanghee Han, and Jinsoo Park, Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation via Multiphase Reaction of Hydrocarbons in Urban Atmosphere Using the CAMx Model Integrated with the UNIPAR model, in review, 2021
  16. Han, S. and Jang, M. “Prediction of Secondary Organic Aerosol from the Multiphase Reaction of Gasoline Vapor by Using Volatility–Reactivity Base Lumping” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, DOI: 10.5194/acp-2021-649, 2021
  17. Yu, Z.; Jang, M.; Madhu, A. “Prediction of Phase State of Secondary Organic Aerosol Internally Mixed with Aqueous Inorganic Salts” J. Physical Chemistry, 125, 10198–10206, 2021
  18. Yu, Z.; Jang, M; Zhang, T., and Madhu, A. “Simulation of monoterpene SOA formation by multiphase reactions using explicit mechanisms” ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 5, 1455–1467, 2021
  19. Madhu, A; Yu, Z.; Jang, M. “Low-cost detection method for in situ detection of aerosol acidity using colorimetry integrated with camera” Aerosol Science and Technology, 55, 795-804, 2021
  20. Jang, M.; Berthold, D. E.; Yu, Z.; Silva-Sanchez, C.; Laughinghouse IV, H. D.; Denslow, N., and Han, S. “Atmospheric Progression of Microcystin-LR from Cyanobacterial Aerosol”, Environmental Science and Technology Letter, 7(10), 740–745, 2020
  21. Han, S. and Jang, M. “Simulating impacts of gas-wall partitioning on SOA formation using the explicit gas mechanism integrated with aerosol phase reactions in the presence of electrolytes”, Sci. Total Environment,, 2020
  22. Yu, Z., Jang, M., Kim, S., Bae, C., Beardsley, R., Koo, B., Park, J., Chang, L. S., Lee, H. C., Lim, Y., and Cho, J. H., “Simulating the Impact of Long-Range Transported Asian Mineral Dust on the Formation of Sulfate and Nitrate during the KORUS-AQ Campaign”, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry,, 4(7), 1039–1049, 2020.
  23. Jang, M.; Sun, S.; Winslow, R. J.; Han S,; and Yu, Z. “In Situ Aerosol Acidity Measurements Using a UV-Visible Micro-Spectrometer and its Application to the Ambient Air” Aerosol Science and Technology, 54(4), 446–461, 2020
  24. Yu, Z. and Jang, M. “Atmospheric Processes of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Presence of Mineral Dust Particles under the Urban Environment”, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2019, 3(11), 2404-2414, 2019.
  25. Han, S.; Jang, M.; and Jiang, H. “Modeling of Gas-Wall Partitioning of Organic Compounds Using a Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussion,, 2019.
  26. Zhou, C., Jang, M. and Yu, Zechen “Simulation of SOA Formation from the Photooxidation of Monoalkylbenzenes in the Presence of Aqueous Aerosols Containing Electrolytes under Various NOx Levels” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 5719-5735, 2019.
  27. Jang, M.; Yu, Z., Modeling Heterogeneous Oxidation of NOx, SO2 and Hydrocarbons in the Presence of Mineral Dust Particles under Various Atmospheric Environments. In Multiphase Environmental Chemistry in the Atmosphere, American Chemical Society: 2018; Vol. 1299, pp 301-326.
  28. Yu, Z. and Jang, M. “Simulation of Heterogeneous Photooxidation of SO2 and NOx in the Presence of Gobi Desert Dust Particles Unver Ambient Sunlight” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,, 18, 14609-14622, 2018
  29. Jiang, H. and Jang, M. “Dynamic Oxidative Potential of Atmospheric Organic Aerosol Under Ambient Sunlight” Environ. Sci. Technol., 52 (13), pp 7496–7504, 2018.
  30. Park, M.; Joo, H. S.; Lee, K.; Jang, M.; Kim, S.; Kim, I.; Borlaza, L. J.; Lim, H.; Shin, H.; Chung, K. H.; Choi, Y. H.; Park, S.; Bae, M. S.; Lee, J.; Song, H.; Park, K. “Differential toxicities of fine particulate matters from various sources”, Scientific Reports, SREP-18-06546B, Article number: 17007, 2018
  31. Yu, Z., Jang, M. and Park, J., “Simulation of Heterogeneous Photooxidation of SO2 Using Atmospheric Mineral Aerosol Reaction (AMAR) Model” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 10001-10017, 2017
  32. Jiang, H., Jang, M., Yu, Zechen, “DTT Activity by Particulate Oxidizers of SOA Produced from Photooxidation of Hydrocarbons under Varied  Levels” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 9965-9977, 2017
  33. Park, J., Jang, M. and Yu, Z. “Heterogeneous Photooxidation of SO2 in the Presence of Two Different Mineral Dust Particles: Gobi and Arizona Dust, Environ. Sci. Technol., doi: 10.1021/acs.est.7b00588 51 (17), pp 9605–9613, 2017
  34. Yu, Z., Jang, M. Jiang, H., Sabo-Attwood, T., and Robinson, S. E., “Dose Model of Organic Aerosol onto Air-Liquid Interface Cell in vitro Using Electrostatic Precipitator”, Toxicology in vitro, 42, 319-328, 2017.
  35. Park, J. and Jang, M. “Heterogeneous Photooxidation of SO2 in the Presence of Airborne Mineral Dust Particles” RSC Advances., DOI: 10.1039/C6RA09601H, 6, 58617-58627, 2016
  36. Jiang, H., Jang, M., Sabo-Attwood, T., and Robinson, S. E. “Oxidative Potential of Secondary Organic Aerosols Produced from Photooxidation of Different Hydrocarbons Using Outdoor Chamber under Ambient Sunlight” Atmos. Environ., 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.02.016, 131, 382-389, 2016
  37. Beardsley, L. R., and Jang, M. “Simulating the SOA formation of isoprene from partitioning and aerosol phase reactions in the presence of inorganics” doi:10.5194/acp-16-5993-2016, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2016,16, 5993-6009
  38. Marta G. Vivanco, Florian Couvidat, Christian Seigneur, Myoseon Jang, Manuel Santiago) and Bertrand Bessagnet “Evaluation of some SOA formation schemes for the oxidation of anthropogenic gases against experiments in two outdoor chambers” 59(1), 43-55, 2016
  39. Li, J., Jang, M., Beardsley, R. L. “Dialkylsulfate Formation in Sulfuric Acid Seeded Secondary Organic Aerosol Produced Using an Outdoor Chamber Under Natural Sunlight” Environmental Chemistry, 13, 590-601, 2016.
  40. Zhong, M. and Jang, M., “Dynamics of light absorption by biomass burning organic aerosol aged using the ambient sunlight” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 14, 1517-1525, 2014.
  41. Im, Y.; Jang, M.; Beardsley, R.  “Simulation of the Aromatic SOA Formation Using the Lumping Model Integrated with Explicit Gas-Phase Kinetic Mechanisms and Aerosol Phase reactions” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14, 4013-4027, 2014
  42. Li, J. and Jang, M., “Kinetic Study of Esterification of Sulfuric Acid with Organic Compounds in Aerosol Bulk Phase”, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussion, 13, doi:10.5194/acpd-13-23217-2013, 23217-23250, 2013
  43. Beardsley, R.; Jang, M.; Barber, O.; Im, Y.; Delcomyn, C. A.; Witherspoon, N., “Aromatic Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation in the Presence of Sea Salt Aerosols” Environ. Chem. 10, 167–177, 2013.
  44. Chen, T. and Jang, M. Chamber Simulation of Photooxidation of Dimethyl Sulfide and Isoprene in the Presence of NOx, Atmospheric Chem. Phys., 12, 10257–10269, 2012.
  45. Zhong, M., Jang, M., Oliferenko, A.; Pillaj, G.G.; Katritzky, A. R. “A Predictive Model for UV-Visible Absorption Spectra of SOA under the various NOx conditions” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14, 9058–9066, 2012.
  46. Li, J. and Jang, M., “Aerosol Acidity Measurement Using Colorimetry Coupled with a Reflectance UV-Visible Spectrometer”, Aerosol Sci. Technol., 46, 833-842, 2012.
  47. Chen, T. and Jang, M. “Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Photooxidation of a Mixture of Dimethyl Sulfide and Isoprene” Atmos. Environ., 46, 271-278, 2012
  48. Myoseon Jang, Ori Baber, David Barber, Kevin Powers and Andrew Ghio, Study Report: “A Novel Exposure Method to Evaluate the Health Effects of Combustion Particulate Matter”, HEI Publications, 2012-09-12, 2012
  49. Baber, O., Jang, M., Barber, D., Kevin Powers, Amorphous silica coatings on magnetic nanoparticles enhance stability and reduce in vitro toxicity to BEAS-2B cells, Inhalation Toxicol., 23, 532-543, Aug. 23 (9), 2011.
  50. Zhong, M. and Jang, M., Light Absorption Coefficient Measurement of SOA Using a UV/Visible Spectrometer Connected with Integrating-Sphere. Atmos. Environ., 45, 4263-4271, 2011
  51. Im, Y., Jang, M., Delcomyn, C.A.; Henley, M.V.; Hearn, John “The Effects of Active Chlorine on Photooxidation of 2-Methyl-2-Buten”, Science of the Total Environment 409, 2652-2661, 2011.
  52. Jang, J.; Jang, M.; Mui, W.; Delcomyn, C.A.; Henley, M.V.; Hearn, John, Formation of Active Chlorine Oxidants in Saline-Oxone Aerosol, Aerosol Sci. Technol, 44, 1018 – 1026, 2010.
  53. Cao, G. and Jang, M. “SOA Model for Toluene Oxidation in the Presence of Inorganic Species.” Environ. Sci. Technol., 44, 727-733, 2010.
  54. Ghio, A. J., Dailey, L. A., Richards, J. H., Jang, M. “Acid and organic aerosol coatings on magnetic nanoparticles increase iron concentrations in human airway epithelial cells”. Inhalation Toxicology, 21, 659-667, 2009.
  55. Mattias Hallquist, John Wenger, Urs Baltensperger, Yinon Rudich, Dave Simpson Magda Claeys, Neil Donahue, Christian George, Allen Goldstein, Jacqui Hamilton, Hartmut Herrmann, Thorsten Hoffmann, Yoshi Iinuma, Myoseon Jang, Mike Jenkin, Astrid Kiendler-Scharr, Willy Maenhaut, Gordon McFiggans, Thomas Mentel, Anne Monod, John Seinfeld, Jason Surratt, Rafal Szmigielski, Jurgen Wildt, Review: “The formation, properties and impact of Secondary Organic Aerosol: Current and Emerging Issues”, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2009, 9, 5155-5235.
  56. Cao, G. and Jang, M. “Secondary organic aerosol formation from toluene photooxidation under various NOx conditions and particle acidity.” Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 8, 14467–14495, 2008.
  57. Jang, M.; Cao, G.; Jared P.  “Colorimetric Particle Acidity Analysis of Secondary Organic Aerosol Coating on Submicron Acidic Aerosols”, Aerosol Science and Technology, 42, 409-420, 2008.
  58. Cao, G. and Jang, M. “Particle Acidity Effects on Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation by OH-oxidation of Aromatics in a NOx free Conditions, 35, 7603-7613, Atmos. Environ. 2007.
  59. Northcross, A. L. and Jang, M., “Increases in SOA yield from heterogeneous acid catalyzed reactions” 41, 1483-1493, Atmos. Environ. 2007.
  60. Jang, M. and Cao G. “Deposition of Suspended Gas-Phase Magnetic Nanoparticles on a Specific Target Area” Environ. Sci. Technol. 40, 6730 – 6737, 2006.
  61. Jang, M., Ghio, A. and Cao G. “Exposure of BEAS-2B cells to secondary organic aerosol coated on magnetic nanoparticles”, Chemical Research in Toxicology19, 1044-1050, 2006.
  62. Czoschke, N. M. and Jang, M. “Markers of heterogeneous reaction products in α-pinene ozone secondary organic aerosol” Atmospheric Environment. 40, 5629-5639, 2006.
  63. Czoschke, N. M. and Jang, M. “Effect of acidity parameters on the formation of heterogeneous aerosol mass in the a-pinene ozone reaction system” Atmospheric Environment. 40, 4370-80, 2006.
  64. Jang, M.; Czoschke, N. M.; Northcross, A; Cao, G.; Shaof, D. “SOA Formation from Partitioning and Heterogeneous Reactions: Model Study in the Presence of Inorganic Species” Environ. Sci. Technol. 40, 3013-3022, 2006.
  65. Jang, M.; Czoschke, N. M.; Northcross, A. “A Semi-Empirical Model for Organic Aerosol Growth by Acid-Catalyzed Heterogeneous Reactions of Organic Carbonyls” Environ. Sci. Technol. 39, 164-174, 2005.
  66. Lee, S.; Kamens, R. M.; Jang, M. “Gas and Particle Partitioning Behavior of Aldehyde in the Presence of Diesel Soot and Wood Smoke Aerosols” J. Atmos. Chem., 51, 223-234, 2005.
  67. Jang, M.; Czoschke, N. M.; Northcross, A. “Review: Atmospheric organic aerosol production by heterogeneous acid-catalyzed reaction” ChemPhysChem, 5, 1646-1661, 2004.
  68. Sexton K.G., Jaspers I., Jeffries H.E., Jang M., Kamens R.M., Doyle M. and Voicu I., Smog Chambers Experiments Of Urban Mixtures Enhance Inflammatory Responses In Lung Cells. Inhalation Toxicology, 16, 107-114, 2004
  69. Lee, S.; Jang, M.; Kamens, R. M. “SOA Formation from the Photooxidation of a-Pinene in the Presence of Freshly Emitted Diesel Soot Exhaust” Atmos. Environ., 38, 2597-2605, 2004.
  70. Tolocka, M. P.; Jang, M.; Ginter, J. M.; Cox, F. J.; Kamens, R. M.; Johnston, M. V., “Formation of Oligomers in Secondary Organic Aerosol” Environ. Sci. Technol. 38, 1428-1434, 2004
  71. Jang, M.; Carroll, B.; Chandramouli, B.; Kamens, R. M. “Particle Growth by Acid-catalyzed Heterogeneous Reactions of Organic Carbonyls on Pre-existing Aerosols” Environ. Sci. Technol., 37, 3827-3837, 2003.
  72. Czoschke, N. M.; Jang, M.; Kamens, R. M. “Effects of Acidic Seed on Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol Growth” Atmospheric Environment, 37, 4287-4299, 2003.
  73. Jang, M.; Lee, S.; Kamens, R. M. “Organic Aerosol Growth by Acid-Catalyzed Heterogeneous Reactions of Octanal in the Flow Reactor System” Atmospheric Environment., 37, 2125-2138, 2003.
  74. Chandramouli, B.; Jang, M.; Kamens, R. M. “Gas-Particle Partitioning of Semi-Volatile Organics on Mixtures of Aerosols in a Smog Chamber” Environ. Sci. & Technol., 37, 4113-4121, 2003.
  75. Chandramouli, B.; Jang, M.; Kamens, R. M. “Gas-Particle Partitioning of Semi-Volatile Organics on Organic Aerosols using a Predictive Activity Coefficient Model: Analysis of the Effects of Parameter Choices on Model Performance” Atmos. Environ., 37, 853-864, 2003.
  76. Jang, M.; Czoschke, N. M.; Lee, S.; Kamens, R. M. “Heterogeneous Atmospheric Aerosol Production by Acid-Catalyzed Particle Phase Reactions” Science, 298, 814-817, 2002.
  77. Jang, M.; Kamens, R. M. “Atmospheric Secondary Aerosol Formation by Heterogeneous Reactions of Aldehydes in the Presence of a Sulfuric Acid Aerosol Catalyst” Environ. Sci. & Technol., 35, 4758-4766, 2001.
  78. Jang, M.; Kamens, R. M. “Characterization of Secondary Aerosol from the Photooxidation of Toluene in the Presence of NOx and 1-Propene” Environ. Sci. & Technol., 35, 3626-3639, 2001.
  79. Jang, M.; Kamens, R. M. “Adsorptive Partitioning of Semi-volatile Organic Compounds on Fine Atmospheric Inorganic Dust Particles” Environ. Sci. & Technol., 33, 1825-1831, 1999.
  80. Kamens, R. M.; Jang, M.; Chien, C. J.; Leach, K. “Aerosol Formation from the Reaction of α-Pinene and Ozone Using a Gas-Phase Kinetics-Aerosol Partitioning Model” Environ. Sci. Technol., 33, 1430-1438, 1999.
  81. Leach, K. B.; Kamens, R. M.; Strommen, M. R.; Jang, M. “Atmospheric Partitioning of Semivolatile Organic Compounds in the Presence of a Secondary Organic Aerosol” J. Atmos. Chemistry, 33, 241-264, 1999.
  82. Jang, M.; Kamens, R. M. “Newly Characterized Products and Composition of Secondary Aerosols from the Reaction of a-Pinene with Ozone” Atmos. Environ., 33, 459-473, 1999.
  83. Jang, M.; Kamens, R. M. “A Thermodynamic Approach for Modeling Partitioning of Semi-volatile Organic Compounds on Atmospheric Matter: Humidity Effects” Environ. Sci. Technol., 32, 1237-1243, 1998.
  84. Jang, M.; Kamens, R. M.; Leach, K.; Strommen, M. R. “A Thermodynamic Approach Using Group Contribution Methods to Model the Semi-Volatile Partitioning on Atmospheric Particulate Matter.” Environ. Sci. Technol., 31, 2805-2811, 1997.
  85. Jang, M.; McDow, S. R., “Product of Benz[a]anthracene photodegradation in the presence of known organic constituents of atmospheric aerosols” Environ. Sci. Technol., 31, 1046-1053, 1997.
  86. McDow, S. R.; Jang, M.; Hong, Y.; Kamens, R. M. “An Approach to Studying the Effect of Organic Composition on Atmospheric Aerosol Photochemistry” J. Geophys. Res., 101, 19593-19600, 1996.
  87. Jang, M.; McDow, S. R., “Benz[a]anthracene photodegradation in the presence of known organic constituents of atmospheric aerosols.” Environ. Sci. Technol. 29, 2654-2660, 1995.
  88. Jang, M.; Kamens, R. M. “Application of Group Contribution Methods to the Partitioning of Semi-volatile Organic Compounds on Atmospheric Particulate Matter” Measurement of toxic and related Air Pollutants, Air & Waste Management Association, 771-781, 1997.
  89. Kamens, R. K.; Fan, Z.; Jang, M.; Odum, J.; Hu, J.; Coe, D.; Zhang, J.; Chen, S.; Leach, K., “The use of denuders for semi-volatile characterization studies in outdoor chambers”, in Gas and particle measurements of atmospheric organic compounds, ed. Lane, D., Gordon and Breach Publishers, New York, 1999.
  90. Jang, M.; Leu, J. “Synthesis and polymerization of 4′-nitro-4-biphenoxyethyne” J. Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 31, 3155-3157, 1993.
  91. Jang, M.; Kwon, S.; Choi, S. “Cyclopolymerization of Dipropargylmethane by Transition Metal Catalyst” Macromolecules, 23, 4135, 1990.


  1. Inventor: Myoseon Jang and Zechen Yu, Assignee: University of Florida Research Foundation, Inc., UF#18074 entitled “Online Detection of Harmful Chemical Species in Particulate Matter Using the Hydrogel-coated Air Filter Integrated with Colorimetric Assays” 2020
  2. Inventor: Myoseon Jang and Zechen Yu, Assignee: University of Florida Research Foundation, Inc., “METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DETECTING COMPOSITION Of AIRBORNE PARTICLES” filed on November 20, 2019, Serial No. 62/938,245.
  3. Inventor: Myoseon Jang, Assignee: University of Florida Research Foundation, Inc., US Patent NO. 8,557,184, “Device and methods for measuring the acidity of airborne matter using UV-visible spectrometry”, issued on October 15, 2013.
  4. Inventor: Myoseon Jang and Chungsoo Kim, “PRODUCE FOR PREPARATION OF AROMATIC POLYESTER”,  Assignee:  LG Group, Registration No. 1019930003711 (1993.05.08).
  5. Inventor: Myoseon Jang and Chungsoo Kim, “POLYESTER AND PROCESS FOR PREPARING THE SAME”,  Assignee:  LG Group, Registration No. 1000631840000 (1993.07.01)