- Editor and co-Author of four chapters (4,6,10&11): Rechargeable Ion Batteries: Materials, Design and Applications of Li-Ion Cells and Beyond, K.E. Aifantis, R. Vasant Kumar, Pu Hu (Editors), Wiley-VCH, In Print.
- Editor and co-Author of three chapters (4,6&8): High Energy Density Lithium Batteries: Materials, Engineering, Applications, K.E. Aifantis, S. A. Hackney and V.R. Kumar (Editors), Wiley-VCH, 2010, ISBN 978-3-527-32407-1. [This book was translated in Chinese: China Machine Press, 2011, ISBN: 9787111371786.]
Journal Articles
- .Wang B, Rethore J, Aifantis K.E., Capturing the stress evolution in electrode materials that undergo phase transformations during electrochemical cycling, Int J Solids and Structures 224, article 111032, 2021
- Ahuja U., Wang B., Rethore J., Hu P., Aifantis, K.E, Polydopamine coated Si nanoparticles allow for improved mechanical and electrochemical stability, Electrochimica Acta 392, article 138993, 2021
- .Shuang F., Dai Z., Aifantis K.E., Strengthening in Metal/Graphene Composites: Capturing the Transition from Interface to Precipitate Hardening, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 13, 26610 – 266209, 2021
- .Shuang F., Aifantis, K.E, Dislocation-graphene interactions in Cu/graphene composites and the effect of boundary conditions: a molecular dynamics study, Carbon 172, 50-70, 2021
- .Du Z., Feng X., Cao G., She Z., Tan R., Aifantis K.E., Zhang R., Li X.,The effect of carbon nanotubes on osteogenic functions of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in vitro and bone formation in vivo compared with that of nano-hydroxyapatite and the possible mechanism, Bioactive Materials 6, 333-345, 2021
- .Shuang F., Aifantis, K.E, Modelling Dislocation-Graphene Interactions in a BCC Fe Matrix by Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Gradient Plasticity Theory, Applied Surface Science 535, 147602, 2021
- Dou, L., Hu, P., Shang, C., Wang, H., Xiao, D., Ahuja, U., Aifantis, K.,Zhang, Z., Huang, Z. (2021). Enhanced electrochemical performance of LiNi0. 8Co0. 1Mn0. 1O2 with SiO2 surface coating via homogeneous precipitation. ChemElectroChem, 8(22), 4321-4327.
- .Shuang, F., & Aifantis, K. E. (2020). Modelling Dislocation-Graphene Interactions in a BCC Fe Matrix by Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Gradient Plasticity Theory. Applied Surface Science, 147602
- .Shuang, F., & Aifantis, K. E. (2020). Using molecular dynamics to determine mechanical grain boundary energies and capture their dependence on residual Burgers vector, segregation and grain size. Acta Materialia
- .Shuang, F., & Aifantis, K. E. (2020). Relating the strength of graphene/metal composites to the graphene orientation and position. Scripta Materialia, 181, 70-75
- .Hu, P., Peng, W., Wang, B., Xiao, D., Ahuja, U., Réthoré, J., & Aifantis, K. E. Concentration-Gradient Prussian Blue Cathodes for Na-Ion Batteries. ACS Energy Letters, 5(1), 100-108
- Shuang, F., Deng, H., Shafique, A. B., Marsh, S., Treiman, D., Tsakalis, K., & Aifantis, K. E. (2019). A first study on nanoporous tungsten recording electrodes for deep brain stimulation. Materials Letters, 126885.
- KE Aifantis, H Deng, H Shibata, S Tsurekawa, P Lejček, SA Hackney, Interpreting slip transmission through mechanically induced interface energies: a Fe–3% Si case study, Journal of Materials Science 54 (2), 1831-1843, 2019.
- Kuhr BR, Aifantis KE. Interpreting the inverse Hall-Petch relationship and capturing segregation hardening by measuring the grain boundary yield stress through MD indentation. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2019 Feb 4;745:107-14
- H. Deng, S. A. Hackney, and K. E. Aifantis, “Fabrication of octagonal and dodecagonal single crystal Si micropyramids via etching without using a pre-patterned mask,” Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process., vol. 93, no. October 2018, pp. 36–43, 2019.
- T. Li, U. Gulzar, X. Bai, M. Lenocini, M. Prato, K. E. Aifantis, C. Capiglia, and R. Proietti Zaccaria, “Insight on the Failure Mechanism of Sn Electrodes for Sodium-Ion Batteries: Evidence of Pore Formation during Sodiation and Crack Formation during Desodiation,” ACS Appl. Energy Mater., vol. 2, p, 2019.
- Konstantinidis AA, Aifantis KE. Capturing slip band formation in Ni3Al nanocubes during compression. Materials Science and Technology. 2019 Feb 13:1-6.
- Aifantis K, Shrivastava S, Pelidou S, Ngan AH, Baloyannis SJ. Relating the blood-thinning effect of pentoxifylline to the reduction in the elastic modulus of human red blood cells: An in vivo study. Biomaterials Science. 2019.
- P Hu, B Wang, D Xiao, KE Aifantis, Capturing the differences between lithiation and sodiation of nanostructured TiS2 electrodes, Nano Energy, Volume 63, 2019.
- P Hu, M Dorogov, Y Xin, KE Aifantis, Transforming Single‐Crystal CuO/Cu2O Nanorods into Nano‐Polycrystalline Cu/Cu2O through Lithiation, ChemElectroChem 2019, 6, 3139.
- Li T., Gulzar U., Bai X., Lenocini M., Prato M., Aifantis K.E., Capiglia C., Zaccaria R.P., Insight on the Failure Mechanism of Sn Electrodes for Sodium-Ion Batteries: Evidence of Pore Formation during Sodiation and Crack Formation during Desodiation, ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 2, 860–866, 2019.
- Li T., Gulzar U., Zaccaria R.P., Capiglia C., Aifantis K.E., Damage Formation in Sn Film Anodes of Na-Ion Batteries, ACS The J. of Phys. Chem. C, 123, 15244-15250, 2019.
- Huang Y., Deng D., Fan Y., Zheng L., Che J., Li X., Aifantis K.E., Conductive nanostructured Si biomaterials enhance osteogeneration through electrical stimulation, Matls Sci. & Eng. C, 103, 109748, 2019.
- Julien Réthoré, Hao Zheng, Hong Li, Junjie Li, Katerina E Aifantis, A multiphysics model that can capture crack patterns in Si thin films based on their microstructure, Journal of Power Sources 400, 383-391, 2018.
- B Merle, X Kraus, M Tallawi, B Scharfe, M El Fray, KE Aifantis, AR Boccaccini, M Göken, Dynamic mechanical characterization of poly (glycerol sebacate)/poly (butylene succinate-butylene dilinoleate) blends for cardiac tissue engineering by flat punch nanoindentation, Materials Letters 221, 115-118, 2018.
- BR Kuhr, KE Aifantis, The Formation and Evolution of Defects in Nanocrystalline Fe During Indentation: The Role of Twins in Pop‐Ins, physica status solidi (b), 2018.
- PP Soman, EG Herbert, KE Aifantis, SA Hackney, Effect of Processing on Nix-Gao Bilinear Indentation Results Obtained for High Purity Iron, MRS Advances 3 (8-9), 477-486, 2018.
- T Kolb, J Kraxner, K Skodzek, M Haug, D Crawford, KK Maaß, KE Aifantis, Optomechanical measurement of the role of lamins in whole cell deformability, Journal of biophotonics , 10 (12), 1657-1664, 2017.
- S Gur, GN Frantziskonis, KE Aifantis, A computation study on the interplay between surface morphology and electrochemical performance of patterned thin film electrodes for Li-ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 360, 504-515, 2017.
- KE Aifantis, The Biodegradability of Scaffolds Reinforced by Fibers or Tubes for Tissue Repair, Tissue Repair, 113-144, 2017.
- Navid Bonakdar, Richard Gerum, Michael Kuhn, Marina Spörrer, Anna Lippert, Werner Schneider, Katerina E Aifantis, Ben Fabry, Mechanical plasticity of cells, Nature Materials, Nature Materials 15, 1090–1094, 2016.
- Haokun Deng, Geng Chu, Fei Luo, Hong Li, Liquan Chen, Katerina E Aifantis, Si micropyramid patterned anodes that can suppress fracture and solid electrolyte interface formation during electrochemical cycling, J Power Sources 329, 372-378, 2016.
- H Liu, H Deng, JQ Bi, KE Aifantis, Synthesis of Silicon Hollow Nanospheres with a Mesoporous Shell via a Low-temperature, Metathesis Reaction Rev Adv Mater Sci 45, 84-90, 2016.
- I Karapanagiotis, KE Aifantis, A Konstantinidis, Capturing the evaporation process of water drops on sticky superhydrophobic polymer-nanoparticle surfaces. Materials Letters 164, 117-119, 2016.
- T Waket, T Sarakonsri, K Aifantis, S Hackney, Preparation of tin and tin sulfide alloy on carbons and graphene via chemical method for use as anodes in lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Ceramic Processing Research 17 (2), 73-79, 2016
- X Li, T Zhao, L Sun, KE Aifantis, Y Fan, Q Feng, F Cui, F Watari, The applications of conductive nanomaterials in the biomedical field, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 104 (1), 322-339, 2016.
- X Li, J Wei, KE Aifantis, Y Fan, Q Feng, FZ Cui, F Watari, Current investigations into magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 104 (5), 1285-1296, 2016.
- Julian Steinwachs, Claus Metzner, Kai Skodzek, Nadine Lang, Ingo Thievessen, Christoph Mark, Stefan Münster, Katerina E Aifantis, Ben Fabry, Three-dimensional force microscopy of cells in biopolymer networks. Nature Methods 13, 171–176, 2015.
- X Zhang, K Aifantis, Interpreting the internal length scale in strain gradient plasticity, Reviews in Advanced Materials Science 41, 72-83, 2015.
- X Li, T Zhao, L Sun, KE Aifantis, Y Fan, Q Feng, F Cui, F Watari, The applications of conductive nanomaterials in the biomedical field. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 104, 322-339, 2015.
- X Li, W Liu, L Sun, KE Aifantis, B Yu, Y Fan, Q Feng, F Cui, F Watari. The application of nanomaterials in controlled drug delivery for bone regeneration. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 103, 3978-3992, 2015.
- I Karapanagiotis, D Grosu, D Aslanidou, KE Aifantis, Facile method to prepare superhydrophobic and water repellent cellulosic paper, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2015;
- X Zhang, KE Aifantis, Examining the evolution of the internal length as a function of plastic strain, Materials Science and Engineering A 631, 27-32, 2015.
- Li X.M., Liu W., Sun L.W., Aifantis K.E., Yu B., Fan Y.B., Feng Q.L., Cui F.Z., Watari F. Effects of physicochemical properties of nanomaterials on their toxicity. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 2015; 103 (7): 2499–2507.
- Marwa Tallawi, David C Zebrowski, Ranjana Rai, Judith A Roether, Dirk W Schubert, Miroslawa El Fray, Felix B Engel, Katerina E Aifantis, Aldo R Boccaccini, Poly(glycerol sebacate)/poly(butylene succinate-dilinoleate) (PGS/PBS-DLA) fibrous scaffolds for cardiac tissue engineering, Tissue Eng C 21, 585-596, 2015.
- MG Manda, KE Aifantis, Nanoindentation derived mechanical properties of experimental dental restorative material, Ceramics International, 41, 4882-4889, 2015.
- Nadine R Lang, Kai Skodzek, Sebastian Hurst, Astrid Mainka, Julian Steinwachs, Julia Schneider, Katerina E Aifantis, Ben Fabry, Biphasic response of cell invasion to matrix stiffness in 3-dimensional biopolymer networks, Acta Biomaterialia 13, 61-67, 2015.
- X Li, W Liu, L Sun, KE Aifantis, B Yu, Y Fan, Q Feng, F Cui, F Watari, Effect of substrate mechanics on cardiomyocyte -maturation and growth, Tissue Eng B. In Print. 21, 157-165, 2015.
- EE Harea, KE Aifantis, KM Pyrtsac, L Ghimpu, Cyclic nanoindentation for examination of the piezoresistivity and the strain-sensor behavior of indium-tin-oxide thin films, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology 39, 53-59, 2015.
- AHW Ngan, H Leung, P Leung, K Aifantis, Plasticity simulation based on the dynamics of full dislocation-density functions–predicting size effect of strength and dislocation pattern formation, Aifantis International Symposium, 2015 Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit, 2015.
- EE Harea, KE Aifantis, Understanding the evolution of the pop-out effect in Si-based structures for photovoltaics, Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry 50, 497-503, 2014.
- X Zhang, KE Aifantis, J Senger, D Weygand, M Zaiser, Internal length scale and grain boundary yield strength in gradient models of polycrystal plasticity: How do they relate to dislocation microstructure?, Journal of Materials Research 29 (18), 2116-2128, 2014.
- Marwa Tallawi, Ranjana Rai, Aldo R Boccaccini, Katerina E Aifantis, Effect of Substrate Mechanics on Cardiomyocyte Maturation and Growth, Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews 21 (1), 157-165, 2014.
- I Karapanagiotis, A Pavlou, PN Manoudis, KE Aifantis, Water repellent ORMOSIL films for the protection of stone and other materials, Materials Letters 131, 276-279, 2014.
- Christian Weis, Fabian Blank, Adrian West, Gregory Black, Robert C Woodward, Matthew RJ Carroll, Astrid Mainka, René Kartmann, Andreas Brandl, Heiko Bruns, Elizabeth Hallam, Jeremy Shaw, John Murphy, Wey Yang Teoh, Katerina E Aifantis, Rose Amal, Mike House, Tim St Pierre, Ben Fabry, Labeling of cancer cells with magnetic nanoparticles for magnetic resonance imaging, Magnetic resonance in medicine 71 (5), 1896-1905, 2014.
- AA Konstantinidis, KE Aifantis, JTM De Hosson, Capturing the stochastic mechanical behavior of micro and nanopillars, Materials Science and Engineering: A 597, 89-94, 2014.
- J Steinwachs, C Metzner, K Aifantis, B Fabry, Migration, Force Generation and Mechanosensing of Cells in Collagen Gels, Biophysical Journal 106 (2), 425a, 2014.
- X Zhang, KE Aifantis, AHW Ngan, Interpreting the stress–strain response of Al micropillars through gradient plasticity, Materials Science and Engineering: A 591, 38-45, 2014.
- X Li, N Dunne, X Li, KE Aifantis, Scaffolds reinforced by fibers or tubes for tissue repair, BioMed research international 2014.
- X Li, W Liu, L Sun, KE Aifantis, B Yu, Y Fan, Q Feng, F Cui, F Watari, Resin composites reinforced by nanoscaled fibers or tubes for dental regeneration, BioMed research international 2014.
- X Li, R Cui, L Sun, KE Aifantis, Y Fan, Q Feng, F Cui, F Watari, 3D-printed biopolymers for tissue engineering application, International Journal of Polymer Science 2014.
Before 2014
Chapter Author
- Katerina E. Aifantis, Chapter 4: The biodegradability of scaffolds reinforced by fibers or tubes for tissue repair in Tissue Repair: Reinforced Scaffolds, Xiaoming Li (Editor), Springer Science + Business Media Singapore Pte Ltd. In Print.
- Katerina E. Aifantis and Stephen A. Hackney, Chapter 8: Nanoscale Engineering for the Mechanical Integrity of Li-Ion Electrode Materials in Nanostructured Materials, Ali Eftekhari (Editor), Wiley-VCH, 2008, ISBN 978-3-527-31876-6.