CIS 4930/6930 Introduction to AI & CS Education Research

CIS 4930/6930 Introduction to AI & CS Education Research

Introduction to AI & CS Education Research
This course is currently being offered as a CIS 4930/6930 Special Topics Course.

Name: Dr. Christina Gardner-McCune
Email Address:

Description: This course aims to introduce students to the fields of Artificial Intelligence  Education and Computer Science Education Research. The course will cover major advancements, issues, and findings from AI & CS  Education Research and opportunities for future research in Undergraduate and K-12 education. The course will also cover the use of innovative AI and CS research (e.g., machine learning, data analytics, modeling & simulations, and natural language processing) in the development of technologies and resources for transforming AI & CS teaching and learning. The course is organized around in-class discussions and hands-on projects where students will read journal and conference papers and then identify a problem they would like to explore and design a prototype (code and no-code options available) and a study to evaluate the effectiveness of the tool for fostering better AI and/or CS learning.

Target Audience: This course will benefit students who want to teach AI or  computer science, conduct research in a  classroom/course/informal learning space, or just have an interest in improving the quality of Undergraduate and K-12 CS & AI education. Computing  or Education undergraduate or graduate students are welcomed as well as other majors.  

Pre-requisites: None. Bring your creativity.