Total Publications Summary: 174
• Book Chapters: 12
• Papers in Refereed International Journals: 99
• Papers in International Conference Proceedings: 58
• H-index: 28
• Total Citations (Scopus): 4563 citations
• ISI WEB OF SCIENCE: 3164 citations
Book Author:
“Plasticity-Damage Couplings: From Single Crystal to Polycrystalline Materials”, O. Cazacu, B. Revil-Baudard, N. Chandola, Springer, 518 pages, 2018; ISBN: 978-3-319-92921-7 (
O. Cazacu, B. Revil-Baudard “Plasticity of Metallic Materials: Modelling and Applications to Metal Forming”, Elsevier, 500 pages, 2020; ISBN 978-0-12-817984-0 (
Books Edited:
“Linking scales in computation: from microscale to macroscopic properties”, Procedia IUTAM, Vol. 3, Elsevier, 2012.
“Multiscale Modeling of Heterogeneous Materials” Wiley, 2008, ISBN: 9781848210479, 320 pages.
Books, Co-edited:
“Dynamic Damage and Fragmentation”, Co-editors: D. Lambert, C. Pasiliao, B. Erzar, B. Revil-Baudard, ISTE Wiley, 462 pages, 2019; ISBN: 978-1-786-30408-7.
“Plasticity of Crystalline Materials, Co-editors: I. R. Ionescu, S. Bouvier, P. Franciosi, John Wiley & Sons, 333 pages, 2011; ISBN: 978-1-84821-278-7.
Special Issue on “Recent Advances in Constitutive Modelling of Metallic Materials” Romanian Journal Technical Sciences-Applied Mechanics (formerly Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques, Series de Mécanique Appliquée), Vol.60, No 1-2, Bucharest, 2015, Guest editors: O. Cazacu, T. Balan.
Books, Contributor of Chapter(s):
- G. Kleiser, B. Revil-Baudard, O. Cazacu [2018] “Plastic Deformation Of Pure Polycrystalline Molybdenum”. Dynamic damage and fragmentation, ISTE-Wiley, London, pp. 143-173.
- J.L. Alves, O. Cazacu [2017] “Effect of the third-invariant of the stress deviator on the response of porous solids with pressure-insensitive matrix”. From microstructure investigations to multiscale modeling : bridging the gap, ISTE-Wiley, London, pp.167-196.
- B. Revil-Baudard, J. B. Stewart, J.H. Yoon, and O. Cazacu [2012] “On the influence of damage evolution in an incompressible material with matrix displaying tension-compression asymmetry”. Procedia IUTAM 3 (2012), Elsevier, pp. 331-349.
- G. Gilles , O. Cazacu, W. Hammami, A.M. Habraken, L. Duchêne [2012] “Experimental and numerical study of TA-6V mechanical behavior in different monotonic loading conditions at room temperature”. Procedia IUTAM 3 (2012), Elsevier, pp. 100-114.
- J. B. Stewart and O. Cazacu [2011] “On modeling the combined effects of anisotropy and tension-compression asymmetry of the matrix on the response of the porous aggregate.” Plasticity of Crystalline Materials, ISTE-Wiley, London, pp.149-176.
- M. Schmidt, O. Cazacu, M. Green [2010] “Experimental and theoretical investigation of the high-pressure behavior of cementitious materials”. Materials under Extreme Loadings. ISTE-Wiley, London, pp. 247-266.
- O. Cazacu and F. Barlat [2008] “Modeling plastic anisotropy and strength differential effects in metallic materials”. Mechanics of Heterogeneous Materials, ISTE-Wiley, London, pp. 71-89.
- B. Plunkett and O. Cazacu [2008] “Viscoplastic modeling of anisotropic textured metals” Mechanics of Heterogeneous Materials, ISTE-Wiley, London, pp.111-127.
- S. Soare, J.W. Yoon, O. Cazacu and F. Barlat [2007] “Applications of a recently proposed anisotropic yield function to sheet forming” . Advanced Methods in Material Forming, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 131-151.
- D. Banabic, F. Barlat, O. Cazacu, T. Kuwabara [2007] “Anisotropy and formability”. Advances in Material Forming-ESAFORM 10 Years on, Springer, Heidelberg-Berlin, pp. 143-176.
- F. Barlat, O. Cazacu, M. Zyczkowski, D. Banabic and J.W. Yoon [2004] “Yield surface plasticity and anisotropy in sheet metals” Continuum Scale Simulation of Engineering Materials, Fundamentals – Microstructures – Process Applications, Wiley-VCH Verlag Berlin GmbH, pp.145-167.
- N. D. Cristescu and O. Cazacu [2000] “Viscoplasticity of geomaterials”. Modeling and Applications in Geomechanics, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, pp. 129-150.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications:
- N. Chandola, O. Cazacu, B. Revil-Baudard [2020] Response to the letter to editor, International Journal of Material Forming,
- O. Cazacu, N. Chandola, B Revil-Baudard, B.H. Frodal, T. Børvik, O.S. Hopperstad [2020] Modeling the effect of notch geometry on the deformation of a strongly anisotropic aluminum alloy, European Journal of Mechanics A, 82,104004,ISSN 0997-7538,
- O. Cazacu [2020] Predictive Capabilities of Non-Quadratic Orthotropic Criteria. Procedia Manufacturing, 47, 1548-1551.
- O. Cazacu [2020] New expressions and calibration strategies for Karafillis and Boyce (1993) orthotropic yield criterion, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 185, 410-422.
- K. E. N’souglo, J. A. Rodríguez-Martínez, O. Cazacu [2019] The effect of tension-compression asymmetry on the formation of dynamic necking instabilities under plane strain stretching. International Journal of Plasticity, 128, 102656.
- N. Chandola, O. Cazacu, B. Revil-Baudard [2019] Prediction of strain distribution and four, six, or eight ears depending on single-crystal orientation using a new single crystal criterion, International Journal of Material Forming, 12, 943-954.
- O. Cazacu [2019] New mathematical results and explicit expressions in terms of the stress components of Barlat et al. (1991) orthotropic yield criterion, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 176, 86-95.
- N. Chandola, O. Cazacu, B. Revil-Baudard [2019] Prediction of strain localization and four, six, or eight ears depending on single-crystal orientation using a new single crystal criterion. International Journal of Material Forming, 12, 943-954.
- O. Cazacu and J. A. Rodríguez-Martínez [2019] Effects of plastic anisotropy on localization in orthotropic materials: new explicit expressions for the orientation of localization bands in flat specimens subjected to uniaxial tension. Journal of Mechanics Physics of Solids, 126, 272-284.
- K. E. N’souglo, J. A. Rodríguez-Martínez, A.Vaz-Romero, O. Cazacu [2018] The combined effect of plastic orthotropy and tension-compression asymmetry on the development of necking instabilities in flat tensile specimens subjected to dynamic loading. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 159, 272-288.
- O. Cazacu [2018] New yield criteria for isotropic and textured metallic materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 139, 200-210.
- O. Cazacu, B. Revil-Baudard, N. Chandola [2018] A yield criterion for cubic single crystals. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 151, 9-19.
- N. Chandola, O. Cazacu, B. Revil-Baudard [2018] Prediction of plastic anisotropy of textured polycrystalline sheets using a new single-crystal model. Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 346, 756-769.
- D.J. Savage, N. Chandola, O. Cazacu, B.A. McWilliams, M.Knezevic [2018] Validation of recent analytical dilatational models for porous polycrystals using crystal plasticity finite element models with Schmid and non-Schmid activation laws. Mechanics of Materials, 126, 148-162.
- B. Revil-Baudard, O. Cazacu, N. Chandola. [2018]. Effect of the yield stresses in uniaxial tension and pure shear on the size of the plastic zone near a crack. International Journal Plasticity, 102, 101-117.
- O. Cazacu, N. Chandola, B. Revil-Baudard [2018] Analytical expressions for the yield stress and Lankford coefficients of polycrystalline sheets based on a new single crystal model. International Journal of Material Forming, 11, 571-581.
- N. Chandola, O. Cazacu, B. Revil-Baudard [2017] New polycrystalline modeling as applied to textured steel sheets. Mechanics Research Communications, 84, 98-101.
- A. Srivastava, B. Revil-Baudard, O. Cazacu, A. Needleman [2017] A model for creep of porous crystals with cubic symmetry. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 110, 67-79.
- D. J. Savage, O. Cazacu, and M. Knezevic [2017] Dilatational response of voided polycrystals. The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, 69, 942-947.
- O. Cazacu and B. Revil-Baudard [2016] New analytic criterion for porous solids with pressure-insensitive matrix, International Journal Plasticity, 89, 66-84.
- B. Revil-Baudard, O. Cazacu, P. Flater, N. Chandola, J.L. Alves [2016] Unusual plastic deformation and damage features in titanium: Experimental tests and constitutive modeling. Journal of Mechanics Physics of Solids, 80, 100-122.
- G. Kleiser, B. Revil-Baudard, O. Cazacu, C. L. Pasiliao [2015].Plastic deformation of polycrystalline molybdenum: experimental data and macroscopic model accounting for its anisotropy and tension- compression asymmetry, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 78, 287-298.
- G. Kleiser, O. Cazacu , C. L. Pasiliao [2015] Experimental characterization and modeling of the anisotropy and tension-compression asymmetry of polycrystalline molybdenum for strain rates ranging from quasi- static to impact. The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, 67, 2635-2641.
- N. Chandola, R.A. Mishra, O. Cazacu [2015] Application of the VPSC model to the description of the stress- strain response and texture evolution in AZ31 Mg for various strain paths. Journal Engineering Materials Technology, 37, 041007-10.
- O. Cazacu, B. Revil-Baudard [2015] New three-dimensional plastic potentials for porous solids with von Mises matrix. Comptes Rendus -Mecanique, 343, 77-94.
- N. Chandola, C. L. Pasiliao, O. Cazacu, B. Revil-Baudard [2015] On modeling the mechanical behavior and texture evolution of rolled AZ31 Mg for complex loadings involving strain path changes. Romanian Journal of Technical Sciences-Applied Mechanics, 60, 24-39.
- B. Revil-Baudard, O. Cazacu, P. Flater, and G. Kleiser [2015] Plastic deformation of high-purity α-titanium: Model development and validation using the Taylor cylinder impact test. Mechanics of Materials, 80, 264- 275.
- N. Chandola, R.A. Lebensohn, O.Cazacu, B. Revil-Baudard, R.A. Mishra, F. Barlat [2015] Combined effects of the tension-compression asymmetry and anisotropy on the torsional response of AZ31 Mg. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 58, 190-200.
- J. L. Alves, O. Cazacu [2015] Micromechanical study of the dilatational response of porous solids with pressure-insensitive matrix displaying tension-compression asymmetry. European Journal of Mechanics – A/Solids, 51, 44-54.
- O.Cazacu, B. Revil-Baudard [2015] A new approach to ductile damage. Annals of the Univ.of Bucharest (Mathematical Series) 6 (LXIV), 59-82.
- J. L. Alves, O. Cazacu [2015] Correlation between strength differential effects in the plastic flow of the matrix and the rate of damage growth in porous polycrystals. Comptes Rendus -Mecanique, 343, 107-120.
- B. Revil-Baudard, N. Chandola, O. Cazacu, F. Barlat [2014] Correlation between Swift effects and tension– compression asymmetry in various polycrystalline materials. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 70, 104-115.
- J.B. Leblond, L. Morin, O. Cazacu [2014] An improved description of spherical void growth in plastic porous materials with finite porosities. Procedia Materials Science, 3, 1232-1237.
- B. Revil-Baudard, O. Cazacu, P. B. Revil-Baudard, O. Cazacu [2014] Role of the plastic flow of the matrix on yielding and void evolution of porous solids: Comparison between the theoretical response of porous solids with Tresca and von Mises matrices. Mechanics Research Communications, 56, 69-75.
- O. Cazacu, J.L. Alves, B. Revil-Baudard, C. Pasiliao [2014] Unusual damage characteristics of metallic materials with matrix displaying strength differential effects. Annals of the Univ.of Bucharest (Mathematical Series) 5 (LXIII), 219-244.
- O. Cazacu, N. Chandola, J.L. Alves, B. Revil-Baudard [2014] Importance of the consideration of the specificities of local plastic deformation on the response of porous solids with Tresca matrix. European Journal of Mechanics – A/Solids, 47, 194-205.
- B. Revil-Baudard, O. Cazacu [2014] New three-dimensional strain-rate potentials for isotropic porous metals: Role of the plastic flow of the matrix. International Journal of Plasticity, 60, 101-117.
- O. Cazacu, B. Revil-Baudard, N. Chandola, J.L. Alves [2014] New analytical criterion for porous solids with Tresca matrix. Procedia Materials Science, 3, 1412-1417.
- J.L. Alves, B. Revil-Baudard, O. Cazacu [2014] Importance of the coupling between the sign of the mean stress and the third-invariant on the rate of void growth and collapse in porous solids with von Mises matrix. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 22, 025005.
- O. Cazacu, B. Revil-Baudard, N. Chandola, D. Kondo [2014] New analytical criterion for porous solids with Tresca matrix under axisymmetric loadings, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 51, 861-874.
- O. Cazacu, B. Revil-Baudard, F. Barlat [2014] New interpretation of cyclic Swift effects. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 44, 82-90.
- B. Revil-Baudard, O. Cazacu [2014] On modeling plasticity-damage couplings in polycrystalline materials. Procedia Materials Science, 3, 1423-1428.
- O. Cazacu, B. Revil-Baudard, R.A. Lebensohn, M. Garajeu [2013] On the combined effect of pressure and third invariant on yielding of porous solids with von Mises matrix. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 80 , 064501.
- T. Balan and O. Cazacu [2013] Elastic-plastic ductile damage model based on a strain-rate plastic potential. Mechanics Research Communications, 54, 21-26.
- B. Revil-Baudard, O. Cazacu, S. Thuiller, E. Maire [2013] Effect of stress triaxiality on porosity evolution in notched bars: Quantitative agreement between a recent dilatational model and X-ray tomography data. Mechanics Research Communications, 50, 77-82.
- B. Revil-Baudard, O. Cazacu, J. B. Stewart [2013] Analytical criterion for porous solids containing cylindrical voids in an incompressible matrix exhibiting tension–compression asymmetry. Philosophical Magazine, 93, 1520-1548.
- O. Cazacu, B. Revil-Baudard, and F. Barlat [2013] New interpretation of monotonic Swift effects: Role of the tension-compression asymmetry. Mechanics of Materials, 57, 42-52.
- J. Yoon, O. Cazacu, R.K. Mishra [2013] Constitutive modeling of AZ31 sheet alloy with application to axial crushing. Material Science & Engineering A, 565, 203–212.
- B. Revil-Baudard and O.Cazacu [2013] On the effect of the matrix tension-compression asymmetry on damage evolution in porous plastic solids. European Journal of Mechanics – A/Solids, 37, 35-44.
- M. Knezevic, R. A. Lebensohn, O. Cazacu, B. Revil-Baudard, G. Proust, S.Vogel, M.E. Nixon [2013] Modeling bending of a-titanium with embedded polycrystal plasticity in implicit finite elements. Material Science & Engineering A Materials Science and Engineering: A, 564, 116-126.
- R.A. Lebensohn, and O. Cazacu [2012] Effect of single-crystal plastic deformation mechanisms on the dilatational plastic response of porous polycrystals. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 49, 3838-3852.
- V. Monchiet, C. Gruescu, O. Cazacu, D. Kondo [2012] A micromechanical approach of crack-induced damage in orthotropic media: application to a brittle matrix composite. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 78, 1407-1423.
- S. Bouvier, N. Benmhenni, W. Tirry, F. Gregory, M.E. Nixon, O. Cazacu, L. Rabet [2012] Hardening in relation with microstructure evolution of high-purity alpha-titanium deformed under monotonic and cyclic loading at room temperature. Material Science & Engineering A, 535, 12-21.
- S. Saimoto, O. Cazacu, G. Kaschner [2012] Characterization of work-hardening evolution in hexagonal metals using mean slip distance normalized with inter-obstacle spacing. Materials Science & Engineering A, 543, 129-138.
- J.H Yoon, O. Cazacu and J.W. Yoon [2011] Strain rate potential based elastic/plastic anisotropic model for metals displaying tension-compression asymmetry. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 200, 1993-2004.
- W. Tirry, M. Nixon, O. Cazacu, F. Coghe and L. Rabet [2011] The importance of secondary and ternary twinning in compressed Ti. Scripta Materialia, 64, 840-843.
- J-H Yoon, J.B. Stewart, and O. Cazacu [2011] Coupled elastic-plastic damage model for a porous aggregate with an incompressible matrix displaying tension-compression asymmetry Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 78, 1407-1423.
- G. Gilles, W. Hammami, V. Libertiaux, O. Cazacu, J.H. Yoon, T. Kuwabara, A.M. Habraken, L. Duchene [2011] Experimental characterization and elasto-plastic modeling of the quasi-static mechanical response of TA- 6V at room temperature. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 48, 1277-1289.
- J. B. Stewart and O. Cazacu [2011] Analytical plastic potential for an anisotropic material containing spherical voids and exhibiting tension-compression asymmetry. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 48, 357-373.
- J-H Yoon, O. Cazacu, J.W. Yoon, and R.E. Dick [2010] Earing predictions for strongly textured aluminum sheets, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 52, 1563-1578.
- K. Inal, R K. Mishra and O. Cazacu [2010] Forming simulation of aluminum sheets using an anisotropic yield function coupled with crystal plasticity theory. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 47, 2223- 2233.
- M.E. Nixon, R. A. Lebensohn, O. Cazacu, and C. Liu [2010] Experiments and finite-element analysis of the anisotropic response of high-purity alpha-titanium in bending. Acta Materialia, 58, 165-189.
- O. Cazacu and I.R. Ionescu [2010] Dynamic crystal plasticity: an Eulerian approach. Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 58, 844-859.
- O. Cazacu and I.R. Ionescu [2010] Augmented Lagrangian method for Eulerian modeling of viscoplastic crystals, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 199, 689-699.
- M.E. Nixon, O. Cazacu and R. A. Lebensohn [2010] Anisotropic response of high-purity a-titanium: Experimental characterization and constitutive modeling. International Journal of Plasticity, 26, 510-532.
- O. Cazacu, I.R. Ionescu and J.W. Yoon [2010] Orthotropic strain rate potential for description of tension- compression asymmetry in hexagonal materials. International Journal of Plasticity, 26, 887-904.
- O. Cazacu, J.H. Yoon and J.W. Yoon [2010] New anisotropic strain-rate potential for hexagonal metals. International Journal of Material Forming, 3, 227-230.
- D. Banabic, F. Barlat, O. Cazacu, T. Kuwabara [2010] Anisotropy and formability International Journal of Material Forming, 3, 165-189.
- O. Cazacu and J. B. Stewart [2009] Plastic potentials for porous aggregates with the matrix exhibiting tension-compression asymmetry. Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 57, 325-341.
- M. Schmidt, O. Cazacu, M. Green [2009] Experimental and theoretical investigation of the high-pressure behavior of cementitious materials. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 33, 1-23.
- O. Cazacu, I.R. Ionescu, T. Perrot [2008] Numerical modeling of projectile penetration into compressible rigid viscoplastic media. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 74, 1240-1261.
- S. Soare, J.W Yoon and O. Cazacu [2008] On the use of homogeneous polynomials to develop anisotropic yield functions with applications to sheet forming. International Journal of Plasticity, 24, 915-944.
- S. Cleja-Tigoiu, O. Cazacu and V. Tigoiu [2008] Dynamic expansion of a spherical cavity within a rate- dependent compressible porous material. International Journal of Plasticity, 24, 775-803.
- B. Plunkett, O. Cazacu, and F. Barlat [2008] Orthotropic yield criterion for description of anisotropy in tension and compression of sheet metals. International Journal of Plasticity, 24, 847-866
- V. Monchiet, O.Cazacu, E. Charkaluk, and D. Kondo [2008] Macroscopic yield criteria for plastic anisotropic materials containing spheroidal voids. International Journal of Plasticity, 24, 1158-1189.
- F. Barlat, J. W. Yoon and O. Cazacu [2007] On linear transformations of stress tensors for the description of plastic anisotropy. International Journal of Plasticity, 23, 876-896.
- O. Cazacu, S. Soare, D. Kondo [2007] On modeling the interaction between initial and damage-induced anisotropy in transversely isotropic solids. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 12, 305-318.
- B. Plunkett, O. Cazacu, R.A. Lebensohn and F. Barlat [2007] Elastic-viscoplastic anisotropic modeling of textured metals and validation using the Taylor cylinder impact test. International Journal of Plasticity, 23, 1001-1021 .
- O. Cazacu and I.R. Ionescu [2006] Compressible viscoplastic fluids. Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 54, 1640-1668.
- O. Cazacu, B. Plunkett and F. Barlat [2006] Orthotropic yield criterion for hexagonal closed packed materials. International Journal of Plasticity, 22, 1171-1194.
- D. Banabic, F. Barlat, O. Cazacu, T. Kuwabara [2010] Anisotropy and formability International Journal of Material Forming, 3, 165-189.
- O. Cazacu and J. B. Stewart [2009] Plastic potentials for porous aggregates with the matrix exhibiting tension-compression asymmetry. Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 57, 325-341.
- M. Schmidt, O. Cazacu, M. Green [2009] Experimental and theoretical investigation of the high-pressure behavior of cementitious materials. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 33, 1-23.
- O. Cazacu, I.R. Ionescu, T. Perrot [2008] Numerical modeling of projectile penetration into compressible rigid viscoplastic media. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 74, 1240-1261.
- S. Soare, J.W Yoon and O. Cazacu [2008] On the use of homogeneous polynomials to develop anisotropic yield functions with applications to sheet forming. International Journal of Plasticity, 24, 915-944.
- S. Cleja-Tigoiu, O. Cazacu and V. Tigoiu [2008] Dynamic expansion of a spherical cavity within a rate- dependent compressible porous material. International Journal of Plasticity, 24, 775-803.
- B. Plunkett, O. Cazacu, and F. Barlat [2008] Orthotropic yield criterion for description of anisotropy in tension and compression of sheet metals. International Journal of Plasticity, 24, 847-866.
- V. Monchiet, O.Cazacu, E. Charkaluk, and D. Kondo [2008] Macroscopic yield criteria for plastic anisotropic materials containing spheroidal voids. International Journal of Plasticity, 24, 1158-1189.
- F. Barlat, J. W. Yoon and O. Cazacu [2007] On linear transformations of stress tensors for the description of plastic anisotropy. International Journal of Plasticity, 23, 876-896.
- O. Cazacu, S. Soare, D. Kondo [2007] On modeling the interaction between initial and damage-induced anisotropy in transversely isotropic solids. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 12, 305-318.
- B. Plunkett, O. Cazacu, R.A. Lebensohn and F. Barlat [2007] Elastic-viscoplastic anisotropic modeling of textured metals and validation using the Taylor cylinder impact test. International Journal of Plasticity, 23, 1001-1021.
- O. Cazacu and I.R. Ionescu [2006] Compressible viscoplastic fluids. Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 54, 1640-1668.
- O. Cazacu, B. Plunkett and F. Barlat [2006] Orthotropic yield criterion for hexagonal closed packed materials. International Journal of Plasticity, 22, 1171-1194 .
- O. Cazacu, I. R. Ionescu and T. Perrot [2006] Steady-state flow of compressible rigid- viscoplastic media. International Journal of Engineering Sciences, 44, 1082-1097.
- B. Plunkett, O. Cazacu, R. Lebensohn and F. Barlat [2006] Anisotropic yield function of hexagonal materials taking into account texture development and anisotropic hardening. Acta Materialia, 54, 4159-4169.
- O. Cazacu and M.J. Schmidt [2006] Behavior of cementitious materials for high strain-rate conditions. Journal de Physique IV, 134, 1119-1124.
- O. Cazacu, N.D. Cristescu and M .J. Schmidt [2006] Analysis of the steady-state flow of a compressible viscoplastic medium over a wedge. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 30, 489-499.
- R. W. Armstrong and O. Cazacu [2006] Indentation fracture mechanics toughness dependence on grain size and crack size: application to alumina and WC-Co. International Journal of Refractory and Hard Materials, 24, 129-134.
- B. Plunkett, O. Cazacu, R. Lebensohn [2006] Strain-rate effects on the texture evolution of low symmetry metals: modeling and validation using the Taylor cylinder impact test. Journal de Physique IV, 134, 81-86.
- O. Cazacu and F. Barlat [2004] “A criterion for description of anisotropy and yield differential effects in pressure-insensitive metals”, International Journal of Plasticity, 20, 2027-2045.
- D. Banabic, O. Cazacu, F. Barlat, D.S. Comsa, and K. Siegert [2003] Description of anisotropic behaviour of AA3103-0 aluminium alloy using two recent yield criteria. Journal de Physique, 105, 297-304.
- O. Cazacu and F. Barlat [2003] Application of representation theory to describe yielding of anisotropic aluminum alloys. International Journal of Engineering Science, 41(12), 1367-1385.
- D. Banabic, O.Cazacu, F. Barlat, D.S Comsa, S. Wagner, K. Siegert, [2002] Recent anisotropic yield criteria for sheet metals. Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, 3, 91-98.
- O. Cazacu [2002] A new hyperelastic model for transversely isotropic solids. ZAMP, 53, 901-911.
- N. D. Cristescu, O. Cazacu, and C. Cristescu [2002] A Model for Landslides. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 39, 924-937.
- O. Cazacu, F. Barlat [2002] A new anisotropic yield criterion for aluminum alloys, Key Engineering Materials. 230, 537-540.
- O. Cazacu, F. Barlat [2001] Generalization of Drucker yield criterion to orthotropy”, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 6, 613-630.
- O. Cazacu, N. D. Cristescu [2000] Constitutive model and analysis of creep flow of natural slopes. Italian Geotechnical Journal, 34, 44-54.
- O. Cazacu and N. D. Cristescu [1999] A paraboloid failure surface for transversely isotropic materials. Mechanics of Materials, 31, 381-393.
- O. Cazacu [1999] On the choice of stress-dependent elastic moduli for transversely isotropic solids. Mechanics Research Communications, 26, 45-54.
- O. Cazacu, N. D. Cristescu, J. F. Shao, J. P. Henry [1998] A new anisotropic failure criterion for transversely anisotropic solids. Mechanics of Cohesive-Frictional Materials, 3, 89-103.
- O. Cazacu, J. Jin, N. D. Cristescu [1997] A new constitutive model for alumina powder compaction. Kona, 15, 103-113.
Peer-reviewed conferences publications:
- O. Cazacu [2020] Predictive capabilities of non-quadratic orthotropic criteria, Procedia Manufacturing, 47, pp. 1548-1551.
- N’souglo, K. E., J. A. Rodríguez-Martínez, and O. Cazacu [2019] Dynamic necking instabilities in tension- compression asymmetric materials subjected to plane strain extension: theoretical modeling and finite element simulations. Conference Proceedings CIMNE, Barcelona.
- O. Cazacu [2019] Equivalent expression for Yld91 criterion for textured metals. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2113, No. 1, pp. 180002.
- O. Cazacu [2018] Anisotropic yield criteria. Proceedings of Numisheet 2018, the 11th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, July 30-August 3, 2018, Tokyo, Japan , IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1063, pp. 012052.
- N. Chandola, O. Cazacu, B. Revil-Baudard [2018] Prediction of four, six or eight ears in drawn cups of single- crystal aluminum sheets. Proceedings of Numisheet 2018, the 11th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, July 30-August 3, 2018, Tokyo, Japan, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser. 1063, pp. 012055.
- O. Cazacu, N. Chandola, B. Revil-Baudard [2018] Prediction of plastic anisotropy in yield stresses and Lankford coefficients of textured polycrystalline sheets using a new single-crystal yield criterion. Proceedings of ESAFORM 2018, the 21th International Conference on Material Forming, April 23-25, 2018, Palermo, Italy, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1960, pp. 020007.
- N. Chandola, O. Cazacu, B. Revil-Baudard [2017] Prediction of anisotropy of textured sheets based on new polycrystal model. Procedia Engineering, 207, pp. 239-244.
- O. Cazacu, B. Revil-Baudard, N. Chandola [2017] New analytic criterion for FCC single crystals. Procedia Engineering, 207, pp.2113-2118.
- N. Chandola, O. Cazacu, B. Revil-Baudard [2017] New yield Criterion for description of plastic deformation of face-fentered cubic single crystals. Light Metals. Springer, pp. 393-398.
- N. Chandola, C.L. Pasiliao, O. Cazacu [2017] New yield criterion for the description of plastic deformation of FCC single crystals. Aluminum Technology Symposium, TMS 2017, Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Diego, CA, February 26- March 2, 2017.
- G. Kleiser, B. Revil-Baudard, O. Cazacu, C.L. Pasiliao [2016] Constitutive modeling and simulation of room-temperature deformation and failure of polycrystalline molybdenum. Journal of Physics, 734, pp. 032110.
- G. Kleiser, B. Revil-Baudard, O. Cazacu, C.L. Pasiliao [2016] Constitutive modeling and simulation of room- temperature deformation and failure of polycrystalline molybdenum. Journal of Physics, 734 pp. 032110.
- O. Cazacu, B. Revil-Baudard, N. Chandola [2016] Constitutive modeling of plastic deformation and damage in anisotropic high-purity titanium and validation using ex-situ and in-situ tomography data. Journal of Physics, 734, pp. 032052.
- N. Chandola, C. Pasiliao, O. Cazacu [2016] On modeling the mechanical behavior and texture evolution of rolled AZ31 Mg for complex loadings involving strain path changes. Magnesium Technology, Springer, pp. 245-250.
- N. Chandola, O. Cazacu, and B. Revil-Baudard [2015]. New Model Predicting the Unusual Buckling Behavior of AZ31 Mg. Magnesium Technology 2015. Springer, pp. 153-157.
- N. Chandola, O. Cazacu, and R.K. Mishra [2015] Micromechanical Modeling of Evolving Anisotropy in AZ31 Mg for Various Strain Paths. Magnesium Technology 2015. Springer, pp. 171-175.
- J-B Leblond, L. Morin, O. Cazacu [2014] An improved prediction of spherical void growth in plastic porous materials with finite porosities. 20th European Conference on Fracture Trondheim, Norway, July 1-4, 2014, Procedia Material Science, 3, pp. 1232-1237.
- O. Cazacu, B. Revil-Baudard, Nitin Chandola, J. Luis Alves [2014] New analytical criterion for porous solids with Tresca matrix. 20th European Conference on Fracture, Trondheim, Norway, July 1-4, 2014, Procedia Material Science, 3, pp.1412-1417.
- B. Revil-Baudard, O. Cazacu [2014] On modeling plasticity-damage couplings in polycrystalline materials. 20th European Conference on Fracture, Trondheim, Norway, July 1-4, 2014, Procedia Material Science, 3, pp. 1423-1428.
- B. Revil-Baudard, O. Cazacu, Nitin Chandola [2014] Role of the plastic flow of the matrix on yielding and void evolution of porous solids. TMS 2014: 143rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition. Springer, Cham, pp. 573- 580.
- O. Cazacu, B. Revil-Baudard [2013] Plasticity-damage couplings in Titanium. Proceedings of Numisheet 2012, The 9th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, Melbourne, Australia, January 6-10,2014, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1567, pp. 328- 335.
- J.L. Alves, O. Cazacu, B. Revil-Baudard, [2013] New criterion describing combined effects of Lode angle and sign of pressure on yielding and void evolution, Proceedings of IDDRG 2013, June 2-5, 2013; Zurich, Switzerland; Ed: P. Hora, Ed: Institute of Virtual Manufacturing, ETH Zurich, ISBN 978-3-9060301-34-7, pp. 169-174
- G. Gilles, A.M. Habraken, O. Cazacu, T. Balan and L. Duchêne [2013] Experimental and Numerical Study of TA6V Mechanical Behavior under Different Quasi-Static Strain Paths at Room Temperature. Proceedings NUMIFORM 2013, July 6-10, 2013, Shenyang, China, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1532, pp. 651-656.
- J. Yoon, O. Cazacu, J. Lee [2013] Localized necking in a round tensile bar with HCP material considering tension-compression asymmetry in plastic flow. Key Engineering Materials, 535-536, pp. 164-167.
- J. H. Yoon, O. Cazacu [2011] Anisotropic yield function capable of predicting eight ears. Proceedings of. NUMISHEET 2011, August 21-26, 2011, Seoul, Korea, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1383, pp. 86-91.
- J. H. Yoon, O. Cazacu, J.W. Yoon, and R.E. Dick [2011] New distortional hardening model capable of predicting eight ears for textured aluminum sheet, Proceedings 14th International Conference on Material Forming, ESAFORM 2011, April 27-29, 2011, Belfast, UK, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1353, pp. 1399- 1404.
- M.E. Nixon, O. Cazacu, and J. House [2009] Strain rate effects on the mechanical properties of high-purity a titanium. Proceedings of DYMAT 2009, the 9th International Conference on the Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading, 2, EDP Sciences pp. 1161-1166.
- O. Cazacu and I.R. Ionescu [2009] Dynamic Eulerian modeling of viscoplastic crystals. Proceedings of DYMAT 2009, the 9th International Conference on the Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading, 2, EDP Sciences, pp. 1485-1490.
- S. Soare, J.W. Yoon, and O Cazacu [2007] On using homogeneous polynomials to design anisotropic yield functions with tension/compression symmetry/asymmetry. AIP Conference Proceedings, 908, pp. 607-612.
- I.R. Ionescu and O. Cazacu [2006] Constitutive model for description of high strain rate behavior of concrete. Proceedings of the 16th European Conference of Fracture, Alexandroupolis, Greece, pp. 1108- 1110.
- V. Monchiet, O. Cazacu, S. Soare, and D. Kondo [2006] Approximate yield criteria for anisotropic porous metals with non-spherical voids. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Metal Forming, ESAFORM 2006, April 26-28, 2006, Glasgow, UK, pp. 171-174.
- V. Monchiet, I-C Gruescu, D. Kondo and O. Cazacu [2006] Fracture of nano and engineering materials and structures. Proceedings of the 16th European Conference of Fracture, Alexandroupolis, Greece, pp. 789- 790.
- O. Cazacu, B. Plunkett, R. Lebensohn, F. Barlat [2006] Evolving yield function for zirconium taking into account texture development and anisotropic hardening. Proceedings ESAFORM 2006, April 26-28, Glasgow, UK, pp. 307-310.
- O. Cazacu, B. Plunkett, and F. Barlat [2005] Orthotropic yield criterion for magnesium alloy sheets. Proceedings of ESAFORM 2005, April 27-29, 2005, Cluj, Romania, The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania, pp. 379-382
- D. Banabic, O. Cazacu, L. Paraianu, P. Jurco [2005] Recent development in the formability of aluminum alloys. AIP Conference Proceedings, 778-A, 466-471.
- S. Soare, J.W. Yoon, O. Cazacu, and F. Barlat [2005] Earing predictions using recent yield criterion for aluminum. Proceedings of ESAFORM 2005, April 27-29, 2005, Cluj, Romania, The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, pp. 411-414.
- O. Cazacu, B. Plunkett, and F. Barlat [2005] Orthotropic yield criterion for hcp sheet metals. Proceedings of Plasticity 2005, The 11th International Symposium on Plasticity, January 3-6, 2005, Kaui, Neat Press, Eds: A. Khan & A. R. Khoei, pp.133-135.
- O. Cazacu and S. Soare [2004] A new anisotropic damage model for ceramic matrix composites. AMD 255, pp. 31-356.
- O. Cazacu and N.D. Cristescu [2004] Analysis of steady-state penetration in viscoplastic porous materials” ASME, Applied Mechanics Division, AMD 255, pp. 367-370.
- O. Cazacu, F. Barlat, and M. E. Nixon [2004] New anisotropic constitutive models for hcp sheet forming simulations. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, NUMIFORM 2004, June, 13-17 2004, Columbus, OH, AIP Conference Proceedings, 712, pp. 1046-1051.
- I. R. Ionescu, O. Cazacu and T. Perrot [2004] Penetration of a rigid body into a viscoplastic compressible fluid. Proceedings of the 4th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), July 24-28, 2004, Jyvaskyla, Finland, pp. 1-18.
- F. Barlat, D. Banabic, and O. Cazacu [2002] Anisotropy in sheet metals. Numisheet 2002, The 5th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3-D Sheet Forming Processes, October 21-25, 2002, KAIST, Korea, pp. 515-524.
- D. Banabic, O. Cazacu, F. Barlat, D.S. Comsa, S. Wagner, K. Siegert [2002] Plastic behavior in modeling of AA3103-0 aluminum alloy using some recent anisotropic yield criteria. Proceedings MATEHN 02, 3rd International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Technologies, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Sept. 2002, pp. 353-358.
- F. Barlat, J.W. Yoon, J.C. Brem, O. Cazacu. [2002] Plane stress yield function for aluminum alloy sheets. Proceedings Euromech Colloquium 430, Formulations and Constitutive Laws for Very Large Strains, Prague, Czech Republic, Oct. 3-5, 2001. Plešek, J. (Ed.), Institute of Thermomechanics, Prague, pp. 161-166.
- D. Banabic, O. Cazacu, F. Barlat, D.S. Comsa, S. Wagner, K. Siegert [2002] Plastic behavior in modeling of AA3103-0 aluminum alloy using two recent anisotropic yield criteria. Non Linear Mechanics of Anisotropic Materials. Proceedings of the 6th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (ECMM6), Liege, Belgium, September 2002, University of Liege, pp. 265-272.
- O. Cazacu, F. Barlat [2002] A new representation theory based approach to modeling anisotropic plastic response of aluminum alloys. Plasticity, Damage and Fracture at Macro, Micro and Nano Scales. Proceedings Plasticity’02 Symposium, Aruba, January 3-9, 2002. Khan, A.S., Lopes-Pamies, O., (Eds.), Neat Press, Fulton, MD, pp. 301-303.
- M. J. Schmidt, O. Cazacu, C. A. Ross and N. D. Cristescu [2001] Dynamic Behavior of Mortar: Experimental Data and Modeling. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, January 7-12, 2001, Tucson, Arizona, CRC Press, pp. 271-276.
- Abdel-Hadi, A., N. D. Cristescu, O. Cazacu, and R A Bucklin [2000] Development of a new technique for measuring volume change of dry particulate systems under very low confining pressures. Recent Trends in Constitutive Modeling of Advanced Materials, AMD 239, pp. 69-75.
- O. Cazacu and N. D. Cristescu [1999] Invariant formulation of an elastic/viscoplastic constitutive equation for anisotropic rock. Proceedings of Ninth International Congress on Rock Mechanics, August, 1999, Paris, France, 2, pp. 869-873.
- O. Cazacu [1999] Constitutive Equation for Anisotropic Rock. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Constitutive Laws for Engineering Materials, July 27-30, 1999, Rensellaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, New York, pp. 351-358.
- O. Cazacu, N. D. Cristescu, and J. F. Shao [1998] A new failure criterion for transversely isotropic rocks. Proceedings of North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, Cancun, Mexico, June 3-5, 1998; Special issue of Int. J. Rock. Mech. Min. Sci., supplement No. 4/5 to Vol. 35, pp. 421.
- N. D. Cristescu, O. Cazacu, and J. Jin [1997] Constitutive equation for compaction of ceramic powders. IUTAM Symposium on Mechanics of Granular and Porous Materials, Eds. N. Fleck and A.C. F. Cocks, Kluwer Academic Publ., pp. 117-129.
- N. D. Cristescu, O. Cazacu [1997] Time-effects on uniaxial compaction of powders. Plasticity 97, Juneau, Alaska, July 14-18, 1997, Neat Press, Fulton, Maryland, pp. 303-304.
- J. Jin, O. Cazacu, N. D. Cristescu [1997] Compaction of Ceramic Powders. Proceedings of the Fifth Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics, January 2-4 1997, University of Puerto-Rico, Mayaguez, Applied Mechanics in the Americas, vol.4: Mechanics and Dynamics of Solids, Eds. L. A. Godoy, M. Rysz and L. E. Suarez, pp.212-215.
- J. Jin, O. Cazacu, N. D. Cristescu [1996] An elastic/viscoplastic consolidation model for alumina powder. Proceedings of the 5th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, July 14-18, 1996, San Diego, California, 5, pp. 573-576.
- O. Cazacu, J. F. Shao, J. P. Henry, N. D. Cristescu [1996] Elastic/viscoplastic constitutive equation for anisotropic shale. North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, Rock Mechanics, Tool and Techniques. Eds. M. Aubertin, F. Hassani, and H. Mitri, Balkema, Rotterdam, pp.1683-1690.
- N. D. Cristescu, O. Cazacu [1995] Viscoplasticity of anisotropic rocks. Proceedings of Plasticity 95, The 5th International Symposium on Plasticity and Its Current Applications, Osaka, pp. 409-503.
- O. Cazacu, N. D. Cristescu [1995] Failure of an anisotropic compressive shale, ASME Joint Applied Mechanics and Materials Summer Meeting AMD-Vol.205, pp. 1-8.