Professor of Materials Sciences and Engineering,
Member of Applied Mathematics Graduate Interdisciplinary Program, University of Arizona
Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Arizona (courtesy)
Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Florida (courtesy)
University of Arizona | Department of Materials Sciences & Engineering
1235 E. James E. Rogers Way, Mines 125E, Tucson, AZ 85721
E-mail: oanacazacu@arizona.edu, cazacu@reef.ufl.edu
Citizenship: USA, Romania
- Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches, 2004, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, University of Sciences and Technologies of Lille (USTL), Lille, France.
- Ph.D., 1995, Civil Engineering, USTL with honors: Très Honorable Avec Les Félicitations du Jury.
- BS -M.S., 1990, Mathematics-Mechanics, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania.
Employment and Professional Experience
- 2010-present: Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering (MAE), Univ. of Florida (UF), REEF, Shalimar, FL
- 2006-present: Associate Professor, MAE, UF/ REEF, Shalimar, FL
- 2002-2006: Assistant Professor, MAE, UF/ REEF, Shalimar, FL
- 2001-2002: Visiting Assistant Professor, MAE, UF, Gainesville, FL
- 1996-2001: Associate Researcher, MAE, UF, Gainesville, FL
- 1992-1995: Research Assistant, USTL, Lille, France
- 1992-1995: Instructor, Faculty of Mathematics, Univ. of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
International Visiting and Honorary Professorship Appointments
- Honorary Professor, Department of Continuum Mechanics and Nonlinear Structural Analysis, University Carlos III Madrid, Spain (2019-2021)
- Chair of Excellence, University Carlos III Madrid, Spain (2018)
- University of Lorraine, Metz, France (6/2018-7/2018)
- University Pierre and Marie Curie (UPMC, Paris VI), Paris, France (6/2011-7/2011; 4/2012-6/2012)
- Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia (1/2012-3/2012)
- Universite Paris XIII, Paris, France (5/2007-6/2007; 6/2008-7/2008; 5/2009-6/2009]
- University of Savoie, Chambery, France (5/2004 – 6/2004)
- University of Lille, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France (3/2002 – 4/ 2002).
Research Interests and Expertise
- Plasticity, Viscoplasticity, Ductile Damage
- Research focus: Multi-scale modeling of non-linearity and anisotropy in behavior of engineering materials for both quasi-static and dynamic regimes.
- Developer of the most widely used anisotropic yield criteria for HCP metals (Mg, Zr, high-purity titanium) and distortional hardening that accounts for evolving microstructure.
Publications Summary:
- 2 books;
- 12 book chapters;
- 99 papers in peer-reviewed international journals;
- 58 papers in proceedings of international conferences;
- 107 invited lectures in international conferences and at research institutions (18 plenary or keynote lectures).
Web of Science/ResearcherID (see www.researcherid.com/rid/L-4635-2016):
2835 citations, h-index=28; Google Scholar: 4561 citations, h-index=28; i10-index: 63
Professional Activities
- Deputy Editor- Elsevier Book Series on Plasticity (2018-present)
- Associate Editor-Mechanics Research Communication, Elsevier (2018-present)
- Associate Editor-International Journal of Material Forming, Springer (2017-present)
- Guest Editor-Special Issue of the Romanian Journal Technical Sciences-Applied Mechanics, on “Recent Advances in Constitutive Modelling of Metallic Materials (Vol.60, 2015).
- Guest Editor-Special Issue of Mechanics Research Communication, honoring Prof. N.D. Cristescu 90th Anniversary (to appear in July 2020).
- Member on Editorial Board of Springer Nature, Springer (2019-present)
International Research Partnerships:
- Established at UF-REEF, International Center for Applied Computational Mechanics (ICACM), between 6 American and French universities, and government research laboratories (Air Force Office of Research, Air Force Research Laboratory and Commissariat à l´énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives) with the mission of facilitating the exchange and application of the world’s most advanced knowledge in applied mechanics and mathematical sciences and in interdisciplinary fields like energetics, biomechanics, and environmental engineering through organization of symposia and publishing books on these topics (http://www.reef.ufl.edu/ICACM); chair of the ICACM 2007; ICACM 2009; ICACM 2011; ICACM 2017 topical symposia.
- Partner and Co-Principal Investigator on QUANTIFY, a European Union ( EU) sponsored international research partnership involving 4 European universities (Univ. Carlos III Madrid, Univ. Lorraine, Technion, Polish Institute of Fundamental Technological Research (IPPT)) and 4 American partners (UF, Texas A&M, Columbia Univ., Pacific National Laboratory), with the mission to develop new understanding of the role of anisotropy on formation of dynamic instabilities (https://www.quantifyrise.com/)
International Conferences Organizing Activities
- Symposium Co-Organizer, “Plasticity, Damage, and Fracture” (20 papers) at the ASME-IMECE 2020, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Virtual Conference November 16-19, 2020, USA (co-organizers: E. Fang, J. Ostien, Sandia National Laboratories; B. Revil-Baudard, UF/REEF)
- Symposium Co-Organizer, “Plasticity, Damage, and Fracture” (38 papers) at the ASME-IMECE 2019, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 9-15, 2019, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA (co-organizers: E. Fang, J. Ostien, Sandia National Laboratories; B. Revil-Baudard, UF/REEF)
- Symposium Co-Organizer “Advances in Multiscale-Modeling of the Effect of Anisotropy in Forming” at Numisheet 2018, the 11th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, July 30-August 3, 2018, Tokyo, Japan (co-organizer: N. Chandola, UF/REEF)
- Symposium Co-Organizer “Anisotropic Plasticity of Textured and Microstructurally Heterogeneous Materials”at the ASME-IMECE 2018, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 9-15, 2018, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA (with E. Fang, Sandia National Laboratories)
- Chair ICACM 2017, The 10th US-France Symposium “Dynamic Damage and Fragmentation” May 17-19, 2017, Shalimar, FL,
- Member International Scientific Committee: Int. Conference Technology of Plasticity, September 17-22, 2017, Cambridge University, UK.
- Symposium Co-Organizer: “Titanium: Constitutive Modeling and Numerical Simulations of Forming Processes“ at Numisheet2016, the 10th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulations of 3D Sheet Forming Processes September, 4-9 2016, Bristol, UK (with B. Revil-Baudard, UF/REEF).
- Symposium Co-Organizer: “Challenges in modeling plasticity and damage in bcc and hcp materials” at Mach 2016 conference, April 2-4, 2016, Annapolis, MD ( with C. Pasiliao, AFRL/RW, F. Barlat, Postech, Korea).
- Symposium Co-organizer: “Multiscale plasticity modeling: from dislocation dynamics to metal forming” honoring Prof. Cristian Teodosiu, at the 2015 Int. Plasticity Symposium, January 4-9, 2015, Montego Bay, Jamaica (with B. Revil-Baudard, UF/REEF)
- Member International Scientific Committee: Int. Conference Technology of Plasticity October 19-24, 2014, Nagoya, Japan.
- Member International Scientific Committee: Numisheet 2014, January, 6-10 2014, Melbourne, Australia.
- Chair IUTAM Symposium (GA. 08-09) of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics on “Linking Scales in Computations: Microstructure to Macro-scale Properties, May 17-19, 2011, Pensacola, FL ( Co-Chair: Ted Belytschko)
- Chair ICACM 2009, The 3rd US-France Symposium “Damage and Fracture of Heterogeneous Materials and Structures” April 22 – 24, 2009, Shalimar, FL
- Member of the International Scientific Committee of ICACM 2008, The 2nd US-France Symposium “Materials under Extreme Loadings: Application to penetration and Impact”, May 28-30 2008, Rocamadour, France.
- Member of the International Scientific CommitteeInternational Conference on Technology of Plasticity ; September 7 – 11, 2008, Gyeongju, Korea
- Chair ICACM 2007, The 1st US-France Symposium “Advances in Bridging Scales in Computation”, March 28-30, 2007, Shalimar, FL
- Symposium Co-organizer: “Anisotropy and Formability” at the European Scientific Association for Material Forming (ESAFORM) conferences ESAFORM 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 (with F. Barlat, A. Habraken, D. Banabic)
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- Push the knowledge envelope of metallic material behavior under combined loadings for a variety of strain rates: from low-rate => dynamic
- Develop new theoretical models for prediction of plastic anisotropic deformation of metals and alloys.
- Develop predictive capabilities for damage and fracture.
- Develop new numerical models and algorithms which can be used to solve problems in Industry.
- Predict material response for conditions where experiments are difficult/expensive to perform or not feasible.
- Reduce the lead time of transfer of new materials into industrial systems and guide material design.