HCC Faculty
Dr. Lisa Anthony
Director of the Intelligent Natural Interaction Technology (INIT) lab. Research topics focus on advanced interaction technologies such as touch, speech, and gesture, especially for children in the context of educational interfaces. INIT Lab projects advance human-computer interaction (HCI) research questions of how users want to interact with these natural modalities, and computer science research questions of how to build recognition algorithms that can understand user input in these ambiguous modalities. Research in the INIT Lab both integrates and contributes to research in human-computer interaction, child-computer interaction, multimodal interaction, machine learning and artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and interaction design. For more info: https://init.cise.ufl.edu/
Dr. Kristy Boyer
Director of the LearnDialogue research group, whose research focuses on dialogue for teaching and learning. The LearnDialogue group builds computational models of dialogue and learning, and these models drive the adaptivity of intelligent systems. They also design, develop, and investigate learning environments for individuals and collaborative groups including tutorial dialogue, intelligent tutoring, virtual agents for learning, and game-based learning. Additionally, the LearnDialogue group aims to transform the way that young learners experience computer science, and engages in evidence-based multidisciplinary research and computer science curriculum development. For more info: http://learndialogue.org
Dr. Sharon Lynn Chu
The Embodied Learning & Experience (ELX) Lab conducts research in two broad areas: learning technologies and technologies for health and well-being. The guiding principle of the lab is to conduct research for real users and in authentic settings. The ELX lab engages in human-centered design and evaluation of both existing and new technologies. Example projects include wearable technologies for learning, Maker-based learning, culturally-relevant computing in education, and motion tracking in learning environments. The ELX group is diverse and very interdisciplinary. For more info: https://cise.ufl.edu/~slchu/research.html
Dr. Christina Gardner-McCune
I am currently an assistant professor at the University of Florida. I have a B. S. degree in Computer Engineering from Syracuse University, and earned both my masters and doctorate in Computer Science from Georgia Institute of Technology with specializations in Software Engineering and Learning Sciences and Technology.
In addition, I completed a postdoctoral research position in Computer Science Education at Georgia Institute of Technology.
My research focuses on the integration of computing across the middle and high school curriculum. Through my research, I design interest and disciplinary-based curriculum and after-school & summer camp programs to engage middle and high school students in science and computing.
Dr. Juan Gilbert
Dr. Juan E. Gilbert is the Andrew Banks Family Preeminence Endowed Professor and Chair of the Computer & Information Science & Engineering Department at the University of Florida where he leads the Human-Experience Research Lab.
Dr. Eakta Jain
Dr. Jain’s research group works on problems at the intersection of computer graphics, virtual reality, computer vision, and human visual perception. The lab’s research goal is to convert gaze data into usable information about a person’s priorities and preferences. By applying the data, algorithms and insights gained from this work, the JainLab works to improve user experience, enhance safety, and create lifelike virtual avatars. For more info: http://jainlab.cise.ufl.edu
Dr. Benjamin Lok
The Virtual Experiences Research Group (VERG) goal is to improve human interactions through training with virtual humans. To that end, VERG researches topics in virtual reality, mixed reality, and virtual humans, and apply these technologies to train healthcare students on interpersonal scenarios to improve the lives and society of those around us. Students work closely with collaborators in fields such as medicine, nursing, communications, psychology, speech pathology, and education. If you are interested in building new virtual experiences to move hearts and minds of learners, for more info: http://www.ufverg.com
Dr. Kyla McMullen
The SoundPAD Lab focuses on the Perception, Application, and Development of 3D Audio systems. The lab’s research lies at the intersection of human-centered computing, electrical engineering, and auditory perception. As virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) becomes more commonplace, significant research is needed to investigate 3D audio’s role in systems of the future. Broadly, the lab’s goal is to elucidate the human factors that must be taken into account in the design and use of 3D audio systems. For more info: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=DzvXnyoAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate for collected publications.
Dr. Eric Ragan
The Interactive Data and Immersive Environments (Indie) research lab conducts human-centered research of interactive visualizations. The Indie lab focuses on the design and evaluation of applications and techniques that support effective interaction and understanding of data, information, and virtual environments. Indie research lies under the umbrella of human-computer interaction (HCI), and projects address topics information visualization, visual analytics, virtual reality, or 3D interaction. For more info: https://www.cise.ufl.edu/~eragan/
Dr. Jaime Ruiz
The Ruiz Human-Computer Interaction Lab at the University of Florida focuses on tackling problems in the field of human-computer interaction. The lab’s current research focuses on developing new Natural User Interfaces (NUI) that support non-verbal communication in novel ways and developing new gestural interactions for virtual reality and augmented reality. For more info: https://ruizlab.org