ENV 6932: Special Problems in Environmental Engineering – ELGs

ENV 6932: Special Problems in Environmental Engineering – ELGs

Course Description:

Course focuses on the production of electricity with fossil fuels (coal) and the complexity of meeting air and water pollution controls concurrently.  Moreover, the course focuses on the newly implemented US EPA Effluent Limitation Guidelines (ELGs)


David W. Mazyck, Ph.D.

312 AP Black Hall

Phone: 846-1039                                                                                

Email: dmazyck@ufl.edu       

Office Hours: T and R 2-4 pm


Course overview:

Theory and application of physical/chemical/biological treatment for the removal of inorganic compounds from industrial water systems.

Specific focus includes:

  • Electricity production.
  • Balancing act required to meet air pollution and water pollution rules for a single industry.
  • Technologies to remove inorganic compounds from water.
  • Complexity related to no single technology can address all inorganic compounds.


Course Pre-Requisites / Co-Requisites

Chemistry, Water treatment principles, Water treatment design


Course Objectives

To understand the fundamentals of processes to remove inorganic compounds from industrial water.



Syllabus ENV 6932 Fall 2018 ELG Class


Lecture 1

Lecture 1 Presentation

Lecture 2

ELG Fact Sheet

Steam Electric ELG Overview_June 2016 call with ICAC