Field Instrumentation
Geotechnical in-situ testing and sampling
- Portable free fall penetrometer BlueDrop by BlueCDesigns
- Modular dynamic seabed cone penetrometer (ModFCPT) [in development]
- Soil Saber by GeoTAK field penetrometer and vane shear
- Gravity Corer by Aquatic Research Instruments
- Icelandic Piston Corer by Aquatic Research Instruments
- Grab samplers
- Dynamax WET150 and SM150T moisture gage
- Onset Hobo Soil Moisture gages
- Onset Hobo water level and pore pressure gages
- RBR SoloD wave wave gages and pore pressure gages
Geoacoustic Seabed Surveying and Monitoring
- EdgeTech 3400 OTS Ulta Light Sub-bottom Profiler System (4-24 kHz)
- EdgeTech 4125i Portable Side
- Scan Sonar System
- Unabara Z Axis-2F MAX Dual Frequency Hydrographic Echo Sounder and Seafloor Sonar
- Nortek Scour Monitor
- Nortek AquaDopp HR
- Kongsberg Mesotech MS-1000 Rotary Side Scan Sonar
Laboratory Testing Capabilities
- Grain size analysis and soil classification
Atterberg Limits
- Water contents, bulk density, void ratios, relative density, porosity
- Undrained shear strength testing (direct shear, ring shear, triaxial shear testing)