Yin J., Stevenson W., Guo Z., Koopman B. and Svoronos S.A., “Effect of Protein Crude Extract on Oxic/Anoxic Diauxic Growth of a Nap-deficient Mutant of Paracoccus pantotrophus,” J Bioremediat Biodegrad 7:367,
http://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/effect-of-protein-crude-extract-on-oxicanoxic-diauxic-growth-of-a-napdeficientmutant-of-paracoccus-pantotrophus-2155-6199-1000367.php?aid=79997 (2016)
Starkey D., Taylor C., Morgan N., Winston K., Svoronos S., and Mecholsky J., Powers, K., and Iacocca, R., “Modeling of continuous self-classifying spiral jet mills part 1: Model structure and validation using mill experiments,” AIChE J., 60, 4086-4095 (2014)
Starkey, D., Taylor, C., Siddabathuni, S., Parikh, J., Svoronos, S., Mecholsky, J., Powers, K. and Iacocca, R., “Modeling of continuous self-classifying spiral jet mills part 2: Powder-dependent parameters from characterization experiments,” AIChE J., 60: 4096–4103 (2014)
Yin J., Wang C., Mody A., Bao L., Hung S.-H., Svoronos S.A., and Tseng Y., “The Effect of Z-Ligustilide on the Mobility of Human Glioblastoma T98G Cells,” PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org, 8,1-7 (2013)
El-Midany A.A., El-Shall H., and Svoronos S.A., “Modeling the PVA-coated Dolomite Floatability in Acidic Media,” Powder Tech., 209, 25-28 (2011)
Geddes CC., Peterson J.J., Mullinnix M.T., Svoronos S.A., Shanmugam K.T., and Ingram L.O., “Optimizing cellulase usage for improved mixing and rheological properties of acid-pretreated sugarcane bagasse,” Bioresour. Tech., 101, 9128-9136 (2010)
Lee D.-U., Woo S.-H., Svoronos S.A. and Koopman B, “Influence of alternating oxic/anoxic conditions on growth of denitrifying bacteria,” Water Research, 44, 1819-1824 (2010)
Durvasula K., Jantama K., Fischer K., Vega A., Koopman B., and Svoronos S.A., “Effect of periplasmic nitrate reductase on diauxic lag of Paracoccus antotrophus,” Biotech. Progress, 25, 973-979 (2009)
El-Midany A.A., El-Shall H.E., and Svoronos S.A., “Bubbles growth and their stability in reactive flotation process,” Chem. Eng. and Processing, 48, 1534-1538 (2009)
Jantama K., Zhang X., Moore J.C., Shanmugam K.T., Svoronos S.A., and Ingram L.O, “Eliminating side products and increasing succinate yields in engineered strains of Escherichia coli C ,” Biotech. Bioeng., 101, 881-893 (2008)
Lee D.-U., Woo S.-H., Svoronos S.A. and Koopman B, “Determination of diauxic lag in continuous culture,” Biotech. Bioeng., 101, 642-646 (2008)
Lee, D.-U., Woo, S.-H., Svoronos, S.A., Park, S.-J. and Koopman, B, “Apparatus and method for achieving reproducible measurements of diauxic lag length and anoxic net maximum specific growth rate,” Environmental Technology, 29, 731-738 (2008)
Hamilton R., Braun B., Koopman B., and Svoronos S.A., “Estimation of nitrate reductase enzyme parameters in activated sludge using an extended Kalman filter algorithm,” Water Research, 42, 1889-1896 (2008)
El-Midany A.A., El-Shall H., and Svoronos S.A., “Modelling of bubble formation in reactive flotation,” Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. C), 117, 185-189 (2008)
Jantama K., Haupt M.J., Svoronos S.A., Zhang X., Moore J.C., Shanmugam K.T., and Ingram L.O, “Combining metabolic engineering and metabolic evolution to develop nonrecombinant strains of E. coli C that produce succinate and malate,” Biotech. Bioeng., 99, 1140-1153 (2008)
Casasús A., Lee D.-U., Hamilton R.K., Svoronos S.A., and B. Koopman “Effect of carbon substrate on electron acceptor diauxic lag and anoxic maximum specific growth rate in species with and without periplasmic enzyme,” J. Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 42,103-108 (2007)
“Control issues and challenges in wastewater treatment plants,” IEEE Control Systems Mag., 26, 63-69 (2006) (with R. Hamilton, B. Braun, R. Dare, and B. Koopman)
“An inexpensive method for the automation of biomass measurements in lab-scale bioreactors,” J. Assoc. Lab. Autom. (JALA), 10, 315-318 (2005) (with R. Hamilton, A. Casasús-Zambrana, and B. Koopman)
“A simple model for diauxic growth of denitrifying bacteria,” Water Res., 39, 1914-1920 (2005) (with A. Casasús-Zambrana, and B. Koopman)
“A structured model for denitrifier diauxic growth,” Biotech. Bioeng. , 90, 501-508 (2005) (with R. Hamilton, A. Casasús-Zambrana, M. Rasche, A. Narang, and B. Koopman).
“Significance of denitrifying enzyme dynamics in biological nitrogen removal processes,” Water Science & Technology, 49, 265-274 (2004) (with D.-U. Lee, A. Casasús-Zambrana, R. Hamilton, and B. Koopman).
“Effect of dissolved oxygen on oxic/anoxic diauxic lag of P. denitrificans” J. Env. Eng., 128, 391-394 (2002) (with Lisbon, K., McKean, M., Shekar, S., and Koopman, B.)
“Effect of nitrate exposure history on the oxygen/nitrate diauxic growth of Pseudomonas
denitrificans,” Water Research 35, 2794-2798 (2001) (with M. Gouw, R. Bozic, and B. Koopman).
“Column flotation of Florida phosphate: An optimization study,” J. Minerals and Metallurgical Processing, 18, 142-146 (2001) (with H. El-Shall, N.A. Abdel-Khalek, R. Sharma, and S. Gupta).
Pullammanappallil, P.C., Chynoweth D.P., Lyberatos G., and. Svoronos. S.A. “Stable operation of anaerobic digestion under high concentrations of propionic acid.” Bioresource Technology, 78(2), 2001, 165-169.
“Collector-frother interaction in column flotation of Florida phosphate,” Int. J. Mineral Processing, 58, 187-199 (2000) (with H. El-Shall and N.A. Abdel-Khalek).
“Hybrid first-principles/neural networks model for column flotation,” AIChE J., 45, 557-566 (1999) (with S. Gupta, P.-H. Liu, R. Sharma, N.A. Abdel-Khalek, Y. Cheng, and H. El-Shall).
“Applying total quality management in an interdisciplinary engineering course,” J. Eng. Education, 107-112 (1999) (with D.A. Schaub, S.M. Legg, B. Koopman, and S.X. Bai).
“Experimental and modeling study of diauxic lag of Pseudomonas denitrificans switching from oxic to anoxic conditions,” Biotech. Bioeng, 60, 649-655 (1998) (with P-H Liu and B. Koopman).
“Diauxic lag of activated sludge switching between electron acceptors,” Water Res., 32, 3452- 3460 (1998) (with P-H Liu, G. Zhan, and B. Koopman).
“Full-scale test of methanol addition for enhanced nitrate removal in a Ludzack-Ettinger Process,” Water Envir. Res., 70, 376-381 (1998) (with J. Regan, B. Koopman, and B. Lee).
“An expert system for the control of anaerobic digesters,” Biotechnol. Bioeng., 58, 13-22 (1998) (with P.C. Pullammanappallil, D.P. Chynoweth, and G. Lyberatos).
Comment on “A new approach for the evaluation of the maximum specific growth rate in nitrification,” Water Res., 31, 2120-2121 (1997) (with B. Koopman).
Reply to comment on “One-dimensional modeling of secondary clarifiers using a concentration-dependent dispersion coefficient,” Water Res., 31, 2118-2119 (1997) (with R.W. Watts and B. Koopman).
“Optimal and suboptimal control of aerobic digesters,” Environmental Modelling and Assessment, 2, 4, 353-363 (1997) (with K. Stamatelatou, G. Lyberatos, C. Tsiligiannis, S. Pavlou, and P. Pullammanappallil).
“In situ estimation of MOCVD growth rate via a modified Kalman filter,” AIChE J., 42, 1319-1325 (1996) (with W.W. Woo, H.O. Sankur, J. Bajaj, and S.J.C. Irvine).
“A model of the interdiffused multilayer process,” J. Electron. Mater., 25, 1561-1571 (1996) (with W.W. Woo, S.J.C. Irvine, H.O. Sankur and J. Bajaj).
“Calibration of a one-dimensional clarifier model using sludge blanket heights,” J. Env. Eng., 122, 1094-1100 (1996) (with R.W. Watts and B. Koopman).
“One-dimensional modeling of secondary clarifiers using a concentration-dependent dispersion coefficient,” Water Res., 30, 2112-2124 (1996) (with R.W. Watts and B. Koopman).
“Optimization of a periodic biological process for nitrogen removal from wastewater,” Water Res., 30, 142-152 (1996) (with T. G. Potter and B. Koopman).
“Discretization of nonlinear control systems via the Carleman linearization,” Chem. Eng. Sci., 49, 3263-3267 (1994) (with D. Papageorgiou and C. Tsiligiannis).
“Real time expert system control of anaerobic digestion,” Wat. Sci. Tech., 30, 21-29 (1994) (with D.P. Chynoweth, G. Lyberatos, J.L. Harmon, P.Pullammanappallil, J.M. Owens and M.J. Peck).
“Adaptive temperature optimization of continuous anaerobic digesters,” Biomass & Bioenergy, 5, 279-288 (1993) (with J.L. Harmon, G. Lyberatos and D. Chynoweth).
“Modeling of in situ monitored laser reflectance during MOCVD growth of HgCdTe,” J. Electron. Mater., 22, 899-906 (1993) (with J. Bajaj, S.J.C. Irvine and H.O. Sankur).
“A method for pulsed periodic optimization of chemical reaction systems,” Chem. Eng. Science, 48, 789-797 (1993) (with V. Hatzimanikatis, G. Lyberatos and S. Pavlou).
“Eigenvalue based method forautomatically adjusting the sampling interval of sampled data systems,” AIChE J., 38, 1485-1488, (1992) (with G. Lyberatos).
“Operational strategies for the predenitrification process,” J. Env. Eng., 118, 56-67, (1992) (with R. Jain, G. Lyberatos and B. Koopman).
“Modelling and pilot-scale experimental verification for the predenitrification process,” J. Env. Eng., 118, 38-55, (1992) (with J. Hamilton, R. Jain, P. Antoniou, B. Koopman and G. Lyberatos).
“A simple model to describe transient differences between cell number and biomass growth rates of Escherichia coli,” Biotechnol. Bioeng., 37, 127 (1991) (with J.B. Rodin and G. Lyberatos).
“Avoiding digester imbalance through real-time feedback control of dilution rate,” Applied Biochem. Biotech., 28/29, 33 (1991) (with P. Pullammanappallil, J. Harmon, D.P. Chynoweth and G. Lyberatos).
“Effect of temperature and pH on the effective maximum specific growth rate of nitrifying bacteria,” Wat. Res., 24, 97 (1990) (with P. Antoniou, J. Hamilton, B. Koopman, R. Jain, B. Holloway and G. Lyberatos).
“Dynamic interactors in multivariable process control. – II. Time delays and zeroes outside the unit circle,” Chem. Eng. Science, 44, 2041 (1989) (with C.A. Tsiligiannis).
“A new method for the adaptive determination of optimum pH and temperature,” Biotechnol. Bioeng., 33, 1419 (1989) (with J. Harmon and G. Lyberatos).
“Dynamic interactors in multivariable process control. – I. The general time delay case,” Chem. Eng. Science, 43, 339 (1988) (with C.A. Tsiligiannis).
“Linear model dependent control,” AIChE J., 33, 394 (1987).
“An adaptive controller for multivariable delayed systems,” Int. J. Control, 45, 2059 (1987) (with C.A. Tsiligiannis).
. “A cautious self-tuning controller for chemical processes,” AIChE. J., 33, 401 (1987) (with A.V. Papadoulis and C.A. Tsiligiannis).
“Adaptive steady-state optimization of biomass productivity in continuous fermentors,” Biotechnol. Bioeng., 30, 335 (1987) (with J. Harmon and G. Lyberatos).
“Multivariable self-tuning control via the right interactor matrix,” IEEE Trans. Aut. Control, AC-31, 987 (1986) (with C.A. Tsiligiannis).
“Deterministic convergence of a Clarke-Gawthrop self-tuning controller,” Automatica, 22, 193 (1986) (with C.A. Tsiligiannis).
“On the behavior of two stirred tanks in series,” Chem. Eng. Sci., 37, 357 (1982) (with R. Aris and G. Stephanopoulos).
“On bilinear estimation and control,” Int. J. Control, 34, 651 (1981) (with G. Stephanopoulos and R. Aris).
“Bilinear approximation of general nonlinear dynamic systems with linear inputs,” Int. J. Control, 31, 109 (1980) (with G. Stephanopoulos and R. Aris).