In February, Dr. Sharma and several lab members attend the Orthopedic Research Society (ORS) annual meeting in Dallas, TX. Jessica Aldrich presented her research via a podium presentation titled, “Cellular Uptake and Retention of an ROS Scavenging Biomaterial as a Chondroprotective Therapy for Osteoarthritis.” Jessica also presented a poster on former Master’s student, Tiffany Conklin’s research titled, “ROS-Scavenging Manganese Dioxide Nanoparticles Mitigate Inflammatory Signaling by Macrophages.” Additionally, Dr. Sharma presented a poster on Tolulope Ajayi’s work on the “Characterization of Gait Patterns of a Non-Invasive Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis Model.”
Robert Ovalle Jr, a senior undergraduate student in the Sharma Lab, was granted funding through the ORS underrepresented minority (URM) undergraduate travel grant program to attend the conference. Dr. Folly Patterson was an ORS New Investigator Recognition Awards Finalist and shared her work in collaboration with Dr. Kyle Allen. Well done!