This spring, Suzanne Lightsey, a second year PhD student, was awarded the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP). The NSF GRFP strives to support outstanding graduate students in STEM disciplines who are pursuing research-based doctoral degrees. The GRFP provides three years of support over a five-year fellowship period for the graduate education of individuals who have demonstrated their potential for significant research achievements in STEM or STEM education. The fellowship is highly competitive with annual acceptance rates of about 16%.
Suzanne is excited to continue her research on developing strategies for natural killer cells to overcome the immunosuppressive barriers present in solid tumors. Through the support of NSF, she looks forward to advancing her education outreach to further the knowledge of science, engineering, and learning! This award is a testament to the hard work and mentorship of the Sharma Lab students.
Congratulations, Suzanne!