Although the last year was anything but ordinary, a large number of Sharma lab students completed their studies and graduated at the end of the Spring Term.
The contributions of these undergraduate and Masters students during their time as a part of the lab is something we won’t soon forget. While they were not able to physically work in the lab during the 2020-2021 school year, they made strides in computational modeling of the systems we study, put together strong literature reviews regarding the work and future directions of the lab, and processed hours of data that otherwise may not have been completed. The lab space may have been quiet for the year, but there was no shortage of work being done behind the scenes, and our graduate students are key contributors in that area.
We will certainly miss their presence in the lab, but we are excited about the future endeavors that await each one of them! A huge congratulations to Tiffany Conklin and Quincy Barton who will be staying in the Sharma lab to complete Masters degrees, Savannah Guyot who is starting medical school at TCOM, and Alex Ozycz, Rafaela Viera, and Pheobe Nimocks who have pursued careers following their degrees.
Congratulations to each one of you! We can’t wait to hear about your successes in the future and are looking forward to keeping a couple of you around for a couple more years to pursue graduate studies!