This summer, the Sharma lab welcomed two high school students to get first hand experience in an academic research setting. These students, Saagar Patel and Kelly Tran, are participants in the UF’s Student Science Training Program (SSTP) class of 2018. According to the SSTP website, “the UF SSTP creates an environment that promotes the academic and personal growth of students, helping each develop important interpersonal, organizational, professional communication, and leadership skills in an academically enriching setting.” This is the fourth consecutive year that the Sharma lab has hosted students.

Recently, the Sharma lab mentors and SSTP participants were highlighted in a recent article by the Gainesville Sun. To read the story, click here.


Saagar Patel, a student from Sanford, FL, studied the properties and functionality of managanese dioxide nanoparticles, a material that scavenges free radical species as a potential therapeutic for cancer and arthritis. Kelly Tran, a student from California, studied the mechanical properties of hydrogels for applications in 3D tumor modeling.

At the completion of the program in late July, Saagar and Kelly presented their research through an oral presentation, poster presentation, and a technical report.

To celebrate their hard work and success this year, the Sharma lab got to together for a lab lunch at the end of the SSTP program. Well done, Saagar and Kelly!