The Sharma Lab celebrates the recent accomplishments of lab mates Shree and Olivia!


Olivia Liseth, an undergraduate Sharma Lab researcher, was recently awarded the Gerald and Elaine L. Gibson Scholarship, a $1000 award from the UF Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering.

Shreedevi Kumar started as an MS student in the lab and is now entering a doctoral degree program. She was awarded the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering Graduate School Preeminence Award (GSPA). This fellowship offers significant and competitive funding packages for newly admitted students, including tuition waivers, student health care coverage and monthly living stipends. For more information about the fellowship award and other BME recipients, read the full story here.

Shree was also recently awarded a fellowship from the Institute for Cell and Tissue Science and Engineering (ICTSE). This institute brings “together investigators across departmental boundaries within the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering to focus on identifying and solving problems in Regenerative Medicine & Tissue Engineering”. This award recognizes outstanding incoming PhD students with a one-time $4000 fellowship.
