The ASME Heat Transfer Division (HTD) sponsored a symposium dedicated to the pioneering research by Prof. Richard H. Pletcher of Iowa State University at the ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference held in Bellevue, WA, in July 2016. Professor Pletcher has made seminal contributions to modeling complex turbulent flows using computational techniques, and co-authored the widely-used textbook Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer with Professors John C. Tannehill and Dale A. Anderson. Professor Pletcher is regarded worldwide as an early pioneer and eminent scholar in CFD, and during his long illustrious career he has investigated many problems related to buoyant jets and plumes, separated flows, and viscous-inviscid interactions using techniques such as large eddy simulation (LES) and direct numerical simulation (DNS). In recognition of his significant contributions, Prof. Pletcher received the Heat Transfer Memorial Award in 2009. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Professor Pletcher served as the Ph.D. advisor of Professor Sherif who represented Pletcher’s family at the HTD Awards Banquet in which Professor Pletcher was posthumously recognized. Seen in the picture with Professor Sherif is Professor Sumanta Acharya of the Illinois Institute of Technology who was serving as the Chair of the Heat Transfer Division during that time.