

Fall 2020

  1. ENV 3040C – Computational Methods in Environmental Engineering
    • Objectives: Students will be able to generate data summary statistics and visualizations, develop models representing environmental processes, integrate models with data to extrapolate results, document reproducible analysis pipelines, and give/receive constructive feedback.
  2. ENV 6932 – Special Problems in Environmental Engineering
    • Objectives [Tentative]: Students will be able to implement reaction kinetic models to describe soil biogeochemistry, parameterize models using model-data integration, distinguish between models using 1) steady state analysis, 2) response to environmental perturbation, and 3) parameter sensitivity, document reproducible analysis pipelines, and give/receive constructive feedback.

Spring 2020

  1. ENV 3040C – Computational Methods in Environmental Engineering
    • Objectives: Students will be able to generate data summary statistics and visualizations, develop models representing environmental processes, integrate models with data to extrapolate results, document reproducible analysis pipelines, and give/receive constructive feedback.
    • Syllabus: 2020Spring_ENV3040_Syllabus