Peer-Reviewed Publications
Sansalone J. and Pathapati S., “Particle Dynamics of a Hydrodynamic Separator Subject to Transient Rainfall-Runoff”, Water Resources Research, (in press), 2009.
Sansalone J., Liu B. and Kim J-Y, “Volumetric Clarifying Filtration of Urban Source Area Rainfall-Runoff”, ASCE J. of Environmental Engineering, 135(8), 609-620, 2009.
Pathapati S. and Sansalone J., “CFD Modeling of a Stormwater Hydrodynamic Separator”, ASCE J. of Environmental Engineering, 135(4), 191-202, 2009.
Lin H., Ying G., Sansalone J. “Granulometry of Non-colloidal Particulate Matter Transported by Urban Runoff”, J. of Water Air and Soil Pollution, 198 (1-4), 269-284, March 2009.
Pathapati S. and Sansalone J., “Combining Particle Analyses with Computation Fluid Dynamics Modeling to Predict Hetero-disperse Particulate Matter Fate and Pressure Drop in a Passive Runoff Radial Filter”, ASCE J. of Environmental Engineering, 135(2), 77-85, 2009.
Kim J.Y. and Sansalone J., “Hydrodynamic Separation of Particulate Matter Transported by Source Area Runoff”, ASCE J. of Environmental Engineering, 134(11), 912-922, November 2008.
Sheng Y, Ying G, Sansalone J., “Differentiation of transport for particulate and dissolved water chemistry load indices in rainfall-runoff from urban source area watersheds”, J. of Hydrology, 361(1-2), 144-158, October 2008.
Sansalone J., Kuang X., Ranieri, V., “Permeable Pavement as a Hydraulic and Filtration Interface for Urban Drainage” ASCE J. of Irrigation and Drainage, 134(5), 666-674, October 2008.
Ying G. and Sansalone J., “Partitioning and granulometric distribution of metal leachate from urban traffic dry deposition particulate matter subject to acidic rainfall and runoff retention”, Water Research, 42 (15), 4146-4162, September 2008.
Ying G. and Sansalone J., “Granulometric Relationships for Urban Source Area Runoff as a Function of Hydrologic Event Classification and Sedimentation”, J. of Water Air and Soil Pollution, 193, (1-4), 229-246, September 2008.
Sansalone J. and Kim J.Y., “Transport of Particulate Matter Fractions in Urban Source Area Pavement Surface Runoff”, J. of Environmental Quality, 37(5), 1883-1893, September 2008.
Kim J.Y. and Sansalone J.J., “Zeta potential of clay-size particles in urban rainfall-runoff during hydrologic transport”, J. of Hydrology, 356(1-2), 163-173, July 2008.
Kim J.Y. and Sansalone J.J., “Event-based size distributions of particulate matter transported during urban rainfall-runoff events”, Water Research, 42(10-11), 2756-2768, May 2008.
Gnecco I., Sansalone J., Lanza L. “Speciation of Zn and Cu in Stormwater Pavement Runoff from Airside and Landside Aviation Land Uses”, J. of Water, Air and Soil Pollution, (192) 321-336, March 2008.
Kim J.Y. and Sansalone J.J., “Suspended particle destabilization in retained urban stormwater as a function of coagulant dosage and redox condition”, Water Research, 42(4-5), 902-922, May 2008.
Liu, D., Sansalone, J.J., and Cartledge, F.C., “Overall Rate Kinetics for Adsorption of Rainfall-Runoff Heavy Metals by Composite Oxide-Coated Polymeric Media”, J. of Environmental Engineering, August 2005.
Sansalone, J.J. and Z. Teng, “Transient Rainfall-Runoff Loadings to a Partial Exfiltration System: Implications for Water Quantity and Quality”, ASCE J. of Environmental Engineering, July, 2005
Sansalone, J.J., Hird, J. P., Cartledge, F.C., and Tittlebaum, M.E., “Event-based Rainfall-Runoff Water Quality and Quantity Loadings from Elevated Urban Infrastructure Impacted by Transportation”, J. of Water Environment Research, August, 2005
Dean, C.M., Sansalone, J.J., Cartledge, F.K., and Pardue, J.H., “Influence of Hydrology on Storm Water Metal Element Speciation at the Upper End of the Urban Watershed”, ASCE J. of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 131, No. 4, April 2005.
Sansalone, J.J and Cristina, C.M., “Gradation-Based Heavy Metal Mass Prediction Utilizing Granulometry of Urban Land Use Snowmelt Particulate Residuals”, ASCE J. of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 130, No. 12, December 2004.
Sansalone, J.J and Cristina, C.M., “First Flush Concepts for Suspended and Dissolved Solids in Small Impervious Watersheds”, ASCE J. of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 130, No. 11, November 2004.
Sansalone, J.J. and Z. Teng, “In-situ storm water treatment and recharge through infiltration: Quality and Quantity Attenuation”, ASCE J. of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 130, No. 9, September 2004.
Teng, Z. and Sansalone, J.J., “In-situ storm water treatment and recharge through infiltration: Particle transport and separation mechanisms”, ASCE J. of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 130, No. 9, September 2004.
Liu, D., Sansalone, J.J. and Cartledge, F.K., “Adsorption Characteristics of Oxide Coated Polymeric Media (Specific Gravity < 1.0) for Stormwater Treatment – Part I: Batch Equilibria and Kinetics”, ASCE J. of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 130, No. 4, pp. 374-382, April 2004.
Liu, D., Sansalone, J.J. and Cartledge, F.K., “Adsorption Characteristics of Oxide Coated Polymeric Media (Specific Gravity < 1.0) for Storm Water Treatment – Part II: Equilibria and Kinetics Models”, ASCE J. of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 130, No. 4., pp. 383-391, April 2004.
Mishra, S.K., Sansalone, J.J., and Singh, V.P., “A Partitioning Analog for Metal Elements in Urban Overland Flow Using the SCS-CN Concept”, ASCE J. of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 130, No. 2, pp. 145-154, 2004.
Mishra, S.K., Sansalone, J.J., Glenn, D.W. and Singh, V.P., “PCN-Based Metal Partitioning in Urban Snowmelt, Rainfall-Runoff and River Flow Systems”, J. of American Water Resources Association, Vol. 40, No. 5, October, 2004.
Sansalone, J.J. and Glenn, D.W., “Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Urban Roadway Snow Residuals Generated from Traffic Activities”, J. of Water, Air and Soil Pollution, Vol. 148, (1-4), pp. 46-61, August 2003.
Cristina, C. and Sansalone, J.J., “Kinematic Wave Model Of Urban Pavement Runoff Quantity Subject To Traffic Loadings”, ASCE J. of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 129, No. 7, pp. 629 – 636, July 2003.
Cristina, C. and Sansalone, J.J., “First flush, power law model and process selection diagram for Urban Storm-water Particulates”, ASCE J. of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 129, No. 4, pp. 298-307, April 2003.
Mishra, S.K., Sansalone, J.J. and Singh, V.P., “Hysteresis-Based Analysis of Overland Metal Transport”, J. of Hydrologic Processes, 17(8), pp. 1579-1606, 2003.
Mishra, S., Singh, V., Sansalone, J. and Aravamuthan, V., “A Modified SCS-CN Method: Testing and Characterization, J. of Water Resources Management, Vol. 17, No.1, pp. 37-68.
Mishra, S., Singh, V., Aravamuthan, V, and Sansalone, J., “An SCS-CN Based Time Distributed Runoff Model”, Water and Energy International Journal, Vol. 59, No.2, pp. 34-51.
Sansalone, J.J. and Glenn, D.W., “Accretion and partitioning of pollutants associated with urban traffic activities in roadway snow – Part I”, ASCE J. of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 128, No.2, pp. 151-166, February 2002.
Glenn, D.W. and Sansalone J.J., “Accretion and partitioning of heavy metals associated with urban traffic activities in roadway snow – Part II”, ASCE J. of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 128, No. 2, pp. 167-185, February 2002.
Teng, Z., Smithson, J., Ping, Z. and Sansalone, J.J., “Geospatial Distribution of Heavy Metals in Transportation Land Use Soils”, J. of Transportation Research Board, No. 1797, pp. 11-22, 2002.
Yilmaz, L., Singh, V.P., Mishra, S.K., Adrian, D.D., and Sansalone, J.J., “Experimental Study of Bed Shear Stress and Sediment Transport in a Meandering Laboratory Channel”, International Journal of Sediment Research, Volume 17, No. 1, pp. 1-19, 2002.
Yilmaz, L., Singh, V.P., Mishra, S.K., Adrian, D.D., and Sansalone, J.J., “Investigation of the meander planform development in a laboratory channel”, Water Engineering Research, Volume 3, No. 3, pp. 177-193, 2002.
Cristina, C., Tramonte, J. and Sansalone, J.J., “A Process Design Selection Methodology For Separation of Traffic-Generated Sediments in Snowmelt Runoff”, J. of Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 136, pp. 33-53, May 2002.
Turer, D., Maynard, B.J. and Sansalone, J.J., “Heavy metal contamination in soils of urban highways: Comparison between runoff and soil concentrations”, J. of Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 132(3), pp 214 – 230, December 2001.
Glenn, D.W., Liu, D. and Sansalone, J.J., “Influence of Highway Runoff Chemistry, Hydrology and Residence Time on Non-Equilibrium Partitioning of Heavy Metals – Implications for Treatment at the Highway Shoulder”, J. of Transportation Research Record, 1775, pp. 129-140, November 2001.
Liu, D., Teng, Z., Sansalone, J.J. and Cartledge, F.K., “Surface Characteristics of Sorptive-Filtration Storm Water Media – Part I: Low Specific Gravity (< 1.0) Oxide Coated Floating Media”, ASCE J. of Environmental Engineering, 127(10), pp. 868-878, October 2001.
Liu, D., Teng, Z., Sansalone, J.J. and Cartledge F.K., “Surface Characteristics of Sorptive-Filtration Storm Water Media – Part II: Higher Specific Gravity (> 1.0) Oxide Coated Fixed Media”, ASCE J. of Environmental Engineering, 127(10), pp. 879-888, October 2001.
Sansalone, J.J. and Glenn D.W., “Temporal variation in heavy metal partitioning and loading in urban highway pavement sheet flow – Implications of in-situ treatment design”, J. of Transportation Research Record, 1720, pp. 100-111, November 2000.
Li, Y., Buchberger, S.G. and Sansalone J.J., “Variably saturated flow in a storm water partial exfiltration trench”, ASCE J. of Environmental Engineering, 125(6), pp. 556-565, June 1999.
Sansalone, J.J., “Adsorptive-infiltration of metals in urban drainage – media characteristics”, Science of the Total Environment Journal, 235, pp. 179-188, 1999.
Sansalone, J.J., “In-situ performance of a passive treatment system for metal elements in urban surface waters”, Water Science and Technology, 39(2), pp. 193-200, 1999.
Sansalone, J.J. and Tribouillard, T., “Variation in characteristics of abraded roadway particles as a function of particle size – Implications for water quality and drainage”, J. of Transportation Research Record, 1690, pp. 153-163, December 1999.
Sansalone, J.J., Smithson, J. and Koran, J., “Development and testing of a partial exfiltration trench for treatment of urban runoff”, Transportation Research Record, 1647, pp. 34-42, November 1998.
Sansalone, J.J., Koran, J., Buchberger, S.G. and Smithson J., “Physical characteristics of highway solids transported during rainfall”, ASCE J. of Environmental Engineering, 124(5), pp. 427-440, May 1998.
Sansalone, J.J. and Buchberger, S.G., “Characterization of particulate loading in the urban storm water first flush”, Water Science and Technology, 36 (9), pp. 155-160, 1997.
Sansalone, J.J., Buchberger, S.G., Koran J. and Smithson J., “Relationship between particle size and surface area of roadway solids”, Transportation Research Record, 1601, pp. 95-98, November 1997.
Sansalone, J.J. and Buchberger, S.G., “Partitioning and first flush of metals in urban storm water”, ASCE J. of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 123, No. 2, pp. 134-143, February 1997.
Sansalone, J.J., Buchberger, S.G. and Al-Abed, S., “Fractionation of heavy metals in pavement runoff first-flush”, The Science of the Total Environment, 189-190, pp. 175-183, October 1996.
Sansalone, J.J. and Buchberger, S.G., “Characterization of metals and solids in urban highway snow and rainfall-runoff”, Transportation Research Record, 1523, pp. 147-159, November 1996.
Sansalone, J.J. and Buchberger, S.G., “An infiltration device as a best management practice for pollutants in highway runoff”, Water Science & Technology, 32(1), pp. 119-125, 1995.
Sansalone, J.J., Buchberger, S.G. and Koechling, M., “Correlations between metals and suspended solids in runoff”, Transportation Research Record, 1483, pp. 112-119, Nov.1995.