Teaching Emphases
- Physical/chemical unit operations/process design for rainfall-runoff, wastewater, CSOs, snow.
- Physical and chemical properties of rainfall-runoff, wastewater, snow and residual materials.
- Geo-environmental engineering, physical/chemical soil behavior and soil modification.
- Geo-environmental hydrology emphasizing urban hydrology, infiltration and reuse design.
- Hydrologic and anthropogenic transport of sediments.
- Experimental methods for unit operations and processes treating rainfall-runoff loadings.
ENV 4932/6932:
Stormwater Systems Design (3 cr) This course will develop the chemical, physical and hydrologic aspects of rainfall-runoff; and how these aspects relate to quantity/quality through unit operations and process (UOP) concepts for control, treatment and/or reuse. Offered each fall semester.
ENV 4532/6437:
Wastewater System Design (3cr.) Detailed design and layout of gravity wastewater collection systems, pumping facilities, force mains, and a wastewater treatment plant. Emphasis is placed on the preparation of a design report, drawings, cost estimates, and a final presentation competition. Offered each spring semester.
ENV 6932:
Advanced Physico-chemical Processes in Soils (3 cr) Analysis of the effect of compositional, physical,chemical and environmental factors on conduction, transport and diffusion phenomena, volume and phase change behavior, deformation, strength stress-strain-time behavior in soils; soil composition, mineralogy, soil-water electrolyte systems and identification of influencing variables. Offered spring semester.