The Goldberg Camps are designed to slowly advance the students in their coding experience. From programming basics to a design challenge, students are introduced to a broad range of codes, blocks and designs. Students use Block code in the Goldberg camps, a coding language that can be used as a stepping stool to advance languages such as Python and JavaScript, which are available with the BBC Micro:Bit.

Goldberg Activities

Micro: Bit Pet Challenge

The Micro: Bit Pet challenge is an intermediate activity in which students work in pairs and design each other “pets.” The activity begins with students interviewing each other and learning what their partner desires in a pet. Once they have created an initial prototype, the students are off! By using sensors, advancing coding blocks and their imaginations, students can create Micro: bit pets that can wag their tails, purr, or even play them a song.
Technical Design Challenge

The Technical Design Challenge is the most advance activity the students will work on during their time at the Goldberg Camps. By using step by step process mapping and prototyping, students will experience a rapid prototyping testing challenge in which they have to design, prototype and defend their designs. Students are taught with a three step method; Empathize, Ideate, and Design. Working through the challenge allows students to get inside the mind of a engineer, learning how to go through their own engineering design cycle. Once the students have formulated their prototypes and refined, they are asked to give a “pitch” in which they must defend their design and explain how it is the best solution for their chosen problem.